These are the 18 books that Warren Buffett thinks you should read to get smarter about investing and trading

Warren Buffett, head of Berkshire Hathaway (BRKA) (BRKB), actually came out with a list of books that he recommends on how to trade stocks and invest.

If you are interested in reading books about how to invest and trade, that are recommended by Warren Buffett, they can be found on the list below:

Business Adventures Twelve Classic Tales from the World of Wall Street

Common Sense on Mutual Funds: Fully Updated 10th Anniversary Edition

The Great Crash 1929

The Intelligent Investor: The Definitive Book on Value Investing. A Book of Practical Counsel (Revised Edition)

Investing Between the Lines: How to Make Smarter Decisions By Decoding CEO Communications

Here are his recommended books about himself.

Berkshire Beyond Buffett: The Enduring Value of Values


Berkshire Hathaway Letters to Shareholders


50 Years of Berkshire Hathaway Wall Print
This is actually a wall print poster.


Buffet: The Making of an American Capitalist


Buffett’s Bites: The Essential Investor’s Guide to Warren Buffett’s Shareholder Letters


The Essays of Warren Buffett: Lessons for Corporate America, Fifth Edition


A Few Lessons for Investors and Managers From Warren Buffett

Here are more books that Warren Buffett recommends about himself.

My Warren Buffett Bible: A Short and Simple Guide to Rational Investing: 284 Quotes from the World’s Most Successful Investor


The Oracle & Omaha, How Warren Buffet and His Hometown Shaped Each Other


Tap Dancing to Work: Warren Buffett on Practically Everything, 1966-2013


Warren Buffett on Business: Principles from the Sage of Omaha


Warren Buffett’s Ground Rules: Words of Wisdom from the Partnership Letters of the World’s Greatest Investor

Warren Buffett Speaks: Wit and Wisdom from the World’s Greatest Investor

Enjoy your reading!!!



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Pitch Like Hollywood: What You Can Learn from the High-Stakes Film Industry

by Fred Fuld III
Editor & Publisher, Wall Street News Network

Have you ever had to negotiate with your boss about a pay raise, or try to raise money for your company, or interview for a job, or sell a product or service, or even ask someone for a date? If so, it means that you had to give a pitch.

The book, Pitch Like Hollywood: What You Can Learn from the High-Stakes Film Industry, by Peter Desberg and Jeffrey Davis, is all about pitches. The authors show how to create a pitch, how to prepare for a pitch, how to present your pitch, how to deal with pitch panic, and other strategies. This guide even tells you the best time of day to make a pitch.

The book is also useful for those who have to give speeches.

Don’t let the word “Hollywood” in the title deter you from reading this book. Examples from many different industries are included, such as aerospace, education, automobile, technology, advertising, and many others.

The most important aspect of this book that I liked the most was the extensive research and studies that were done to back up what the book presented.

My favorite chapter was Chapter 5 – Persuasion Bootcamp, where the authors present and describe all of the Compliance Gaining Techniques.

It doesn’t matter if you are the head of a startup, or working your way up the corporate ladder, or trying to promote your book to a publisher, or just trying to sell your products or services to a customer or client, I highly recommend Pitch Like Hollywood to anyone who is ever involved in persuasion.




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Amazon’s Top Selling Kindle Books

by Fred Fuld III

Amazon $AMZN has just released its list of the top selling books on Kindle. In addition, Amazon is offering three months of Kindle Unlimited for just $0.99 through the end of 2021. This includes over two million eBooks, thousands of audiobooks, and up to three select magazine subscriptions.

So what are the top Kindle books? The top five titles in Kindle Unlimited in 2021 are:

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

The Stopover

When We Believed in Mermaids

If You Tell


Happy reading!



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Investing & Stock Trading Books for Gifts & Stocking Stuffers

by Fred Fuld III

Do you still have some Christmas shopping to do? Need some last minute gifts or stocking stuffers? Why not some books about investing and trading stocks.

Check the investment stock book list below.


How to Day Trade for a Living: A Beginners Guide to Trading Tools and Tactics, Money Management
by Andrew Aziz
The fundamentals of day trading and day trading strategies. Over 8,200 five-star ratings.

Trade Like Warren Buffett
by James Altucher
Most people don’t realize that not only is Warren Buffett an investor, but he is also a trader, and a successful one at that.

High-Probability Trade Setups: A Chartists Guide to Real-Time Trading
by Timothy Knight
How to use technical approaches to find the best stock trade setups.

Beat The Crowd: How You Can Out-Invest The Herd By Thinking Differently
by Ken Fisher
This book shows how a true contrarian investor thinks and acts, and why it works more often than not.

Stock Traders Almanac 2022
by Jeffrey A. Hirsch
Every stock trader should have this book.

Day Trading Journal
Wall Street News Network
A journal with over 100 pages of specially designed fill-in-the-blank pages to track all your stock, ETF, and option trades, whether they are long or short trades. Fields include: Date, Symbol, Company, Transaction Recommended By, Why decision was made to do this transaction, Buy or Short, # of Shares, Price/share, Commission, Subtotal of opening transactions, Total opening transaction, and much more.

Stock Trading Journal
Wall Street News Network
A logbook for tracking your stock trades and investments, similar to the Day Trading Journal.


Berkshire Hathaway Letters to Shareholders
by Warren Buffett
What Buffett has actually said to his shareholders.

Business Adventures Twelve Classic Tales from the World of Wall Street
This is a book that was recommended by Warren Buffett

The Intelligent Investor: The Definitive Book on Value Investing. A Book of Practical Counsel (Revised Edition)
This is a classic investment guide and would make a great gift for the new investor.

Berkshire Beyond Buffett: The Enduring Value of Values
A book about Warren Buffett that Warren Buffett recommends!


Reminiscences of a Stock Operator – first published in 1923
by Edwin Lefevre
This is the classic book on investing, trading, market timing, and crowd psychology, just as true today as it was almost a century ago. It is based on the life of top notorious trader, Jesse Livermore.

My Adventures with Your Money – first published in 1911
by George Graham Rice
About a conman who make money off the early gold mining stock boom.

The PLUNGERS and the PEACOCKS. 150 years of Wall Street – published in 1967
by Dana L. Thomas
Written during the bull market of the 1960s, it provides an entertaining history of the stock market.

Den of Thieves – published in 1991
by James B. Stewart
The “newest” of these old books, it covers the insider trading scandals involving Ivan Boesky, Michael Milken, and other Wall Street financiers  during the 1980s.

Storming The Magic Kingdom – published in 1987
by John Taylor
A must read book about the fight for control of one of America’s most famous companies.

Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds (1841) by Charles Mackay included as part of Stock Market Trivia Volume 2(2014)
The Extraordinary Popular Delusions book was written in the mid-1800s. It has many chapters, but most are unrelated to investing, such as alchemy, witches, haunted houses, etc. However, three of the chapters have extensive and entertaining information about three of the largest investment bubbles in history: the Mississippi Scheme, the South Sea Bubble, and the Tulip Mania. These three chapters are included as the last half of the  Stock Market  Trivia Volume 2 book. (In interest of full disclosure, I wrote the Stock Market Trivia 2 book.) In addition, the trivia book includes such things as the chocolate chip cookie/stock market correlation, celebrity stock indices, weird stock certificates, and more.

Investment Trivia
by Fred Fuld III
This book will give you interesting, amusing, and fascinating trivia about investments, money, stocks, bonds, and Wall Street.


Wolf Books

The Wolf of Wall Street
by Jordan Belfort
This is the autobiographical story about the guy who made hundreds of millions of dollars by pumping and dumping low priced and penny stocks. The book is filled with sex and drugs and every other kind of decadence.  A Martin Scorsese movie starring Leonardo DiCaprio was made from this story. Be forewarned: the chapter that took place in the hospital gave me nightmares for a couple weeks.

Catching the Wolf of Wall Street: More Incredible True Stories of Fortunes, Schemes, Parties, and Prison
by Jordan Belfort
This is the followup to the previous book. What happens when Belfort is arrested, how a case was built against him, and what happens after prison.

Madoff Books

No One Would Listen: A True Financial Thriller
by Harry Markopolos
New York Times bestseller about how Markopolos uncovered Madoff’s scam.

The Wizard of Lies: Bernie Madoff and the Death of Trust
by Diana B. Henriques
All about how Madoff pulled off the biggest Ponzi scheme in history. Over 130 five star ratings on Amazon.

The End of Normal: A Wife’s Anguish, A Widow’s New Life
by Stephanie Madoff Mack
An inside look at the Madoff family written by the widow of Mark Madoff and the daughter-in-law of Bernard Madoff.Over 200 five star ratings.

Betrayal: The Life and Lies of Bernie Madoff
by Andrew Kirtzman
An in-depth look at Madoff and his victims.

Theranos Books

Bad Blood: Secrets and Lies in a Silicon Valley Startup
by John Carreyrou
Named one of the best books of the year by NPR, The New York Times Book ReviewTimeWall Street Journal, and the Washington Post. An in-depth look at Theranos and Elizabeth Holmes. Over 2,600 five star ratings.

Billion Dollar Facade: The Rise And Fall Of Theranos And Elizabeth Holmes
by Phil C. Senior
Short 140 page summary of the Theranos scandal.

Books about Scams

Scam Me If You Can: Simple Strategies to Outsmart Today’s Rip-off Artists
by Frank W. Abagnale
Abagnale was the guy who wrote the book on scamming, Catch Me If You Can, which was made into a major motion picture.

How to Smell a Rat: The Five Signs of Financial Fraud
by Ken Fisher
How investment fraudsters operate and how to avoid them. Written my billionaire money manager and former long time Forbes columnist Ken Fisher.

Billion Dollar Whale: The Man Who Fooled Wall Street, Hollywood, and the World
by Tom Wright & Bradley Hope
Named a Best Book of 2018 by the Financial Times and Fortune, it is about the man who swindles $5 billion with the help of Goldman Sachs.


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Evan Nierman: Crisis PR Expert: Exclusive Interview

by Fred Fuld III

The following informative interview was provided by Evan Nierman, a crisis public relations expert, and founder and CEO of Red Banyan, a crisis communications company. He is also the author of the the book Crisis Averted: PR Strategies to Protect Your Reputation and the Bottom Line. I previously reviewed the book a few days ago.

If you are wondering what to do if you are confronted by aggressive reporters, or even if you are hit with a reputation crisis that you didn’t expect, you should listen to this. This interview covers the following:

  • Elizabeth Holmes of Theranos and her court case
  • What crisis public relations is
  • Strategies for dealing with a crisis
  • The difference between a business crisis and a PR crisis
  • Dealing with reporters
  • and much more!

The Evan Nierman Interview

Enjoy listening to the great insights and information that Evan Nierman provides.

To stream the interview, click:


It may take a few seconds to load. You can also download the interview as an mp3 by right-clicking (or Control clicking) HERE and choosing “save as”

The Crisis Averted Book

The book Crisis Averted is available through Amazon and other book stores.

More Information

More information can be found about Evan Nieman and crisis management at

Enjoy the interview!

All opinions are those of Evan Nierman, and do not represent the opinions of this site or the interviewer. Neither this site, nor the interviewer, nor the interviewee are rendering tax, legal, or investment advice in this interview.




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Crisis Averted: PR Strategies to Protect Your Reputation and the Bottom Line

by Fred Fuld III

Have you ever wondered what you would do if 60 Minutes called and said they wanted to interview you? Or maybe you opened your front door and there were a bunch of reporters standing outside.

If you own a small business or you are an executive at a major corporation, or even a celebrity or a politician, you need to read the book Crisis Averted: PR Strategies to Protect Your Reputation and the Bottom Line, by Evan Nierman.

Nierman is a crisis public relations expert, and is founder of Red Banyan, a crisis communications company.

He provides numerous anecdotes of instances where individuals and companies were stuck in negative situations, many times through no fault of their own, and the steps that they had to take to avoid most if not all negative publicity.

You, personally, may not be at fault at all, but someone at your company may have screwed up, which affects the reputation of your business. The book provides extensive advice on what to do in these situations.

My favorite chapter is Chapter 9 – Engaging with Reporters: Dos and Don’ts because reporters are really the key to whether information about you and/or your business gets printed in a positive light, a negative one, or not at all.

Anyone who runs their own small or large company, or corporate division, or sits on the board of directors of any entity including charities, should get Crisis Averted. Any other influential individuals in the limelight should also study the book.




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Billion Dollar Whale: One of the Biggest Financial Swindles in History

by Fred Fuld III

If you haven’t read the book, Billion Dollar Whale: The Man Who Fooled Wall Street, Hollywood, and the World, by Tom Wright & Bradley Hope, you need to read it.

Do you know what all of the following have in common (in no particular order)?

Paris Hilton
Leonardo Dicaprio
Martin Scorsese
Swiss Banks
Wolf of Wall Street Movie
Wall Street
Goldman Sachs
$500,000,000 Yacht
Miranda Kerr
$325,000 Ferrari
$33.5 million Manhattan condominium
President Obama
President Trump
Jamie Foxx
Busta Rhymes
Kasseem Dean
Alicia Keys
Swizz Beatz
Money Laundering
United States
12,000 pieces of jewelry
567 handbags
423 watches
Million dollar parties
Las Vegas

All of the above are connected to a man named Jho Low, a Malaysian businessman who is accused of swindling billions of dollars, indirectly from the Malaysian government, and spending it on huge parties with actors, models, numerous bottles of champagne, gambling, and entertainment, in addition to expensive homes around the world.

Ironically, according to the book, Low funded the Martin Scorsese movie The Wolf of Wall Street, starring Leonardo DiCaprio, which was based on the true story of Jordan Belfort, the convicted stock market manipulator and boiler-room operator.

The story of Low reads like a financial mystery and thriller, and I rarely say this about a non-fiction book, but it is a page-turner.

So if you are looking for some end of summer reading, and if you like to read about frauds, scams, and swindles,  Billion Dollar Whale will definitely keep you occupied.

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Billions at Play: The Future of African Energy and Doing Deals

by Fred Fuld III

The book, Billions at Play, provides the most comprehensive case for the development of natural resources in the African continent, which has the potential to provide substantial economic growth for countries in Africa.

Africa has remained the last location for productive development in terms of jobs, health, and economies. The author, NJ Ayuk, gives numerous reasons why the expansion of the various energy industries can help Africa move forward in growth, progress, and success.

My favorite chapter is Chapter 7 – Job Creation: Making Our Own Multiplier Effect, where the author discusses how local job creation and growth can increase geometrically from the energy industry, even with investments from non-African companies. The chapter also covers the concerns about loans, which is extremely important.

The book contains very extensive research and is completely up-to-date, including a chapter on the recovery from COVID-19. I highly recommend Billions at Play for those who want to learn about the economic potential and opportunities in Africa.




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MLB Star Pitcher Becomes Unlikely Source of Business, Finance & Mental Health Advice

3x World Series Champ & Wall Street Exec, Todd Stottlemyre Shares Strategies for Professional & Personal Success

The Observer: A Modern Fable on Mastering Your Thoughts & Emotions

Although Todd Stottlemyre may be best known for his successful Major League Baseball career, his accomplishments off the field are just as impressive. After leaving baseball, he pursued a career in finance building an asset management business at a high-profile Wall Street firm. He then founded a private equity fund that owns, manages, and oversees several companies.

Today, Stottlemyre is a global entrepreneur, speaker, and high-performance business coach with a highly personal, transformative story to tell through his new book, The ObserverFar from being a fiction novel, The Observer offers actionable strategies for professional and personal growth and it is also the fable of Todd Stottlemyre’s life. He rose to superstardom winning two World Series with the Toronto Blue Jays but had yet to reach his true “peak” until the journey that began afterward.


Kat has it all (money, success, recognition, influence) except the one thing she desires desperately: a fulfilled life. A business entrepreneur in the high-end sportswear industry, Kat is driven in relentless pursuit of ever-greater success. The two anchors in Kat’s frenzied life have been her father; a famous baseball pitcher turned team manager, and her son, who is following in his grandfather’s footsteps. When both anchors become unstable, Kat’s life tips dangerously out of balance. The market and her finances flip, and relationships start slipping through her fingers. Eager for solutions, she turns to find uncanny wisdom from places she never expected.

The Observer unpacks the idea of 180-degree thinking, which changes everything for Kat. Now, seemingly impossible goals now come into focus with crystal clear clarity. As Kat focuses on the right things, the impossible becomes her new reality.

-Release Date: December 29, 2020
-Publisher: Made for Success Publishing
-ISBN-10: 1641465344
-ISBN-13: 9781641465342
-Purchasing Details: The Observer is available for wherever books are sold including Amazon


This book is a must-read for entrepreneurs and business owners but also for anyone searching to find happiness and meaning in their lives. Breaking the boundaries of genre, The Observer is a motivational business blueprint and self-help book, disguised as a ‘coming of (middle) age’ novel, wrapped in a sports story, that (underneath it all) is actually a fable about pro baseball Star Todd Stottlemyre’s life.

Although it is presented as a fictional story about a 38-year-old woman and her journey to self-discovery, the book serves as a fundamental roadmap to personal and professional success. Through the story of “Kat”, Stottlemyre examines the science of success and how to use it, offering various strategies and techniques for growth. He demonstrates how lofty ambitions are achievable when you follow the sequential steps in his proven success system. The book not only gives readers motivation and encouragement, but it also provides them with a pathway for discovering their peak potential in business and in life.

In the age of COVID, political unrest, and global chaos – a time when uncertainty lurks around every corner – these timeless insights are more important today than ever before. Praised for its sharp wit, plot twists, and fast pace, this book will inevitably become a mirror to take a look inside ourselves―and find that no matter how long it takes, we all have the ability to change our trajectory.

Whether you are seeking professional growth or personal fulfillment, and looking for strategies to achieve excellence, or if you just want to curl up with a poignant novel (OR if you a sports fan itching to learn more about this MLB superstar) The Observer needs to be on your reading list!


Todd StottlemyreTodd Stottlemyre is a former Major League Baseball pitcher who played for 15 seasons most notably as a member of the Toronto Blue Jays with whom he won two World Series championships. He also played for the Oakland Athletics, St Louis Cardinals, Texas Rangers, and the Arizona Diamondbacks. Awarded for his outstanding integrity and dedication to community service, he received the prestigious Branch Ricky Award and the Lou Gehrig Award.

After leaving professional baseball, he pursued a career in finance building an asset management business at a high-profile Wall Street firm. He is the co-founder and owner of a private equity fund that owns, manages, and oversees a number of companies.

Today, Stottlemyre channels his passion for winning as a high-performance business coach, best-selling author, and keynote speaker. Taking all he has learned both on and off the field, he works to help people achieve unparalleled success in every dimension of their lives.





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Relentless: The Forensics of Mobsters’ Business Practices

The b00k, Relentless: The Forensics of Mobsters’ Business Practices, by Jerold Zimmerman PhD. and Daniel Forrester, is a fascinating study of how criminal organizations run their operations and how corporate leaders can learn from them. Not how to kill people or smuggle drugs, but how to structure the corporate culture and how to give employees more latitude and empowerment, not to mention performance rewards and punishments.

The authors cover such groups as the Hells Angels, the American Mafia,  the Sinaloa Cartel, and the Crips and Bloods, and why these organizations have lasted so long in spite of the fact that there is a huge amount of law enforcement trying to take them down.

You don’t have to be a corporate executive or business owner to enjoy this publication. I found the histories behind these organized crime groups to be the best parts of the book.

The book was just released today. If you are looking for interesting and practical information relating to a captivating topic, I recommend that you read Relentless.



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