Is Your Living Trust Renting Your Safe Deposit Box? If Not, Maybe You Should Consider It

by Fred Fuld III

First, I am not an attorney. Second, I am not giving legal advice. What I am doing is giving you suggestions on what you should discuss with your estate attorney.

If you are reading this article, you most likely already know what a revocable living trust is, so I don’t need to mention anything regarding these trusts. Plus much of this information on living trusts can be found on numerous websites.

Many people save their estate paperwork in their safe deposit boxes, including wills, trusts, powers of attorney, and so forth. Other items that may be in the boxes such as jewelry, coins, stamps, gold, silver, collectibles, and cash.

Don’t Let Your Safe Deposit Box Get Drilled Without Your Knowledge

One issue you should be aware of. Apparently, banks have started drilling boxes and removing contents of boxes rented by customers without the customer’s knowledge, for which the banks claim that they din’t have all the account information of their customers (primarily the Social Security number). However, according to a report by CBS SF Bay Area last year, several of these customers had proof, as shown on the original rental agreements, that the bank did have the Social Security numbers. Clients claimed that the banks lost and damaged many thousand of dollars of property because of this.

It may be a good idea to inventory everything in your safe box, and even take pictures of what is in in, and keep those records outside the box.

Can and Should You Put Your Safe Deposit Box Rental in Your Living Trust?

So what about the living trust issue? If everything in the safe deposit box is supposed to be part of the trust, it is probably a good idea to rent the safe deposit box in the name of your living trust. Consult your attorney, as laws differ from state to state.

As a matter fo fact, the American Academy of Estate Planning Attorneys recommends to their members that they discuss with their clients the benefits of transferring the rental of a safe deposit box to a living trust.

Your biggest problem in doing this is whether or not your bank will allow you to do this, as some banks don’t want to go through the hassle. You will, of course, need to bring in your Certification of Trust to make the change.

If your bank doesn’t want to allow this rental registration, you can ask your attorney to contact the bank on your behalf, or find another bank.

As I mentioned at the beginning of this article, I want to reemphasize the fact that you must talk to your attorney about the advantages and disadvantages of making this change, and the best way  to proceed with the bank. Your attorney may even have alternative banks that he or she could recommend, if your bank is problematic.

Special Note: If you are wondering how I came up with the idea for this article, there was a short scene in the Bosch TV Show on Amazon (AMZN) that referred to it which I saw when I was watching one of the episodes last night.


How to Invest Like a Billionaire

Do you want to be a billionaire? If so, maybe you should invest in the companies that made the billionaires so rich.

Forbes Magazine has just come out with its latest billionaires list. Seven out of the top ten billionaires have founded and/or are the head of companies that are publicly traded, providing investors with a selection of stocks to invest in.

The following is a list of the billionaires and their stocks.

Rank Name Net Worth Company Symbol
#1 Jeff Bezos $112 B Amazon AMZN
#2 Bill Gates $90 B Microsoft MSFT
#3 Warren Buffett $84 B Berkshire Hathaway BRKA
#4 Bernard Arnault $72 B LVMH LVMH
#5 Mark Zuckerberg $71 B Facebook FB
#7 Carlos Slim Helu $67.1 B América Móvil AMX
#10 Larry Ellison $58.5 B Oracle ORCL

The Latest Business Books that are On Sale Right Now

The following entrepreneurship, investment, and business Kindle books are now on sale at Amazon (AMZN). If you are interested in any of these books, you should order them as soon as possible, because often these sales only last for just a few days.

The Purpose Is Profit
By Ed “Skip” McLaughlin, Wyn Lydecker, and Paul McLaughlin
How to launch and grow a profitable startup, financing, branding, selling, and more.
Sale price: $0.99 Retail: $9.99

Living Trusts for Everyone: Second Edition
By Ronald Farrington Sharp
Explains what a living trust is and how to create one.
Sale price: $1.99 Retail: $9.68

100 Ways to Motivate Others: Third Edition
By Steve Chandler and Scott Richardson
How to boost your abilities as a leader and a motivator.
Sale price: $0.99 Retail: $15.99

Reinvent Me
By Camilla Sacre-Dallerup
Provides clear, comprehensive tools for transformation at work and at home.
Sale price: $0.99 Retail: $9.99

7 Secrets of Persuasion
By James C. Crimmins
How to increase your influence at work or at home.
Sale price: $0.99 Retail: $16.99

By Claire Shipman and Katty Kay
A road map to managing a thriving professional life, without making unnecessary sacrifices.
Sale price: $1.99 Retail: $4.99

By Anne Kreamer
This book reveals the true value of embracing risk.
Sale price: $1.99 Retail: $4.99


Business, Investing, & Entrepreneurship Books on Sale

The following entrepreneurship, investment, and business Kindle books are now on sale at Amazon (AMZN). If you are interested in any of these books, you should order them as soon as possible, because often these sales only last for just a few days.

Flipping the Switch
By John G. Miller
A positive, can-do attitude can change your career
Sale: $1.99 Retail: $10.99

The Business Romantic
By Tim Leberecht
The power of romance can energize your professional life
Sale: $1.99 Retail: $10.24

Chaos Monkeys
By Antonio García Martínez
The start-up industry and its monumental influence
Sale: $2.99 Retail: $14.49

Boundaries for Leaders
By Dr. Henry Cloud
Take your career or business to new heights
Sale: $1.99 Retail: $13.99

Success: The Psychology of Achievement
By Deborah A. Olson
Proven psychological strategies and expert advice for reaching your potential in all areas of work and life
Sale: $2.99 Retail: $12.99

The Yummies are Causing the All-Time Stock Market Highs

Many have wondered why the stock market continues to make all-time highs, almost every day. This exceptional rise may be due to the Yummies, the Young Upwardly Mobile Millennials. Yes, the Millennials, also known as Generation Y. Many traits have been ascribed to this generation, but you don’t ever hear the members referred to as being invetor-oriented.

So let’s look at the facts. Legg Mason Global Asset Management, the 20th largest asset manager in the world, produced the 2017 Global Investment Survey, and the Summary of U.S. Results are very enlightening.

For example, did you know that Millennials invest more in non-cash investments than the Generation X or the Baby Boomers? As a matter of fact, 77% of Yummies apply their funds toward these assets, versus 75% for Gen x and 69% for Baby Boomers.

Let’s look at some definitions before continuing. Legg mason consideres Millennials to be between the ages of 18 and 35, Gen X at age 36 to 52, with Baby Boomers ranging from 53 to 71 years old.

Some other interesting factoids about the Yummies. They invest three times as much as Boomers in non-traditional investments. Plus, a far greater percentage of Yummies put their money into investment real estate than the Baby Boomers.

But what is most amazing is the fact that 11% of the Yummies invest in gold and precious metals versus only 7% of the Gen Xers and a measly 2% for the Baby Boomers.

When the respondents were asked which investment categories they believe offer the best opportunities over the next 12 months, 46% of the Yummies said domestic stocks, with Gen X and Boomers closely agreeing, both at 42%. International stocks came in second as an investment opportunity in the opinion of the Millennials.

Finally, 87% of Yummies have saivings, investments, or both but only 81% of Boomers have these assets, and just 75% of Millennials.

Many wonder why the FAANG stocks, Facebook (FB), Apple (AAPL), Amazon (AMZN), Netflix (NFLX), and Google (GOOG), continue to rise. So now you know. If you are wondering who is driving up the price of stocks and cryptocurrency, you need look no further than the Yummies.

by Fred Fuld III

Disclosure: Author owns AAPL and AMZN.

1st Hand Review of 1st Amazon Bookstore in SF Bay Area

It was just three days ago that Amazon (AMZN) opened up its first bookstore in the San Francisco area. In case you haven’t heard, Amazon is giving Barnes & Noble (BKS) a (bigger) run for its money, by opening up bricks and mortar establishments, better known as retail stores.

The shop that I visited is located in Walnut Creek, California, a fairly wealthy suburb near San Francisco, just a 40 minute ride on BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit).

In spite of the fact that Amazon is headquartered in the state of Washington, only two Amazon Books stores are located there, yet there are now four in California. The other three are in San Diego, Los Angeles, and San Jose. The rest are located in Oregon, New York, Massachusetts, Illinois, and New Jersey.

The store I visited is located at 1265 Broadway Plaza and is a little hard to find, but if you can find the kate spade shop, it is next door. And if you can find the Tesla (TSLA) store, it is across the street. The first thing I noticed was that the place was packed. Of course, the space wasn’t as big as the two-story building Barnes & Noble had occupied when they were located in Walnut Creek, but they had shut down in January of last year.

I noticed all the usual categories for books that you would find in any decent size bookstore, but there were a few new ones, such as The Books with Over 10,000 Reviews. Included in that section were the following books:

The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life by Mark Manson

What Happened by Hillary Rodham Clinton

Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind by Yuval Noah Harari

In addition, there were the usual non-book Amazon products for sale, such as the Kindle, the Echo, and other Alexa devices.

There was also a Peet’s Coffee located within the store, for shoppers who were thirsty, hungry, or both.

On display at the very front of the store, was a group of books called Most Wished-For Books. Included was the book, The Rooster Bar by John Grisham.

One book had a whole display all to itself right by the front door: Turtles All the Way Down by John Green.

All in all, it was a fun adventure to see what was being offered and how strong the patronage was. It will be interesting to see where the next shop will open, and how many more Amazon Books shops there will be.

Why Twitter is a Screaming Buy

Twitter (TWTR) took a huge dump a few days ago on July 27 when it reported earnings, and by the end of the day, the stock dropped by around 14% from the previous day’s close. A couple weeks ago, it had been trading over $20 a share, and now it is less than $16 a share, at the time I am writing this.

The company reported negative earnings, as usual, so why is it a screaming buy? Let’s start off with the company’s biggest asset, President Donald Trump. Yes, Trump provides an advantage to Twitter that no other company has. He tweets almost every single day, and on many days, he tweets multiple times a day. No other president, or for that matter, no other head of state, has ever tweeted so much in the history of mankind. (You know what I mean.) Trump doesn’t use Facebook, he doesn’t use LinkedIn, he doesn’t use Snapchat, he doesn’t use Instagram, he doesn’t use any of the other social media platforms, he doesn’t even send out mass emails. He uses Twitter.

Trump is Twitter’s Biggest Asset

So, the President of the United States is providing free advertising for the company. Imagine the free advertising that Blue Apron would get if Trump ordered from them every day (and told everyone about it).

One of these days, someone is going to figure out how to monetize this unique feature. It may or may not be Jack Dorsey, Twitter’s CEO. It may or may not be Anthony Noto, Twitter’s COO. Or it may be someone new that the company brings in. But someone is going to do it.


But what about earnings? Yes, Twitter hasn’t been generating a profit. But look at Facebook (FB). The company lost $56 million back in 2008, and finally turned it around in 2009 with net income of $229 million. Everyone complains about Amazon (AMZN) not making any money. It lost $278 million in 2014 then showed a profit of $618 million the following year. LinkedIn generated losses in 2010 and 2011, then went profitable in 2012.

Here’s the thing about earnings. When you have income, you have to pay taxes. Once that money is paid out to the IRS, it is dead money; it is money that doesn’t benefit the company. However, applying excess cash flow to tax deductible expenditures, such as more employees, buildings, equipment, machinery, research and development, marketing, and advertising, will benefit the company. These expenses help the company grow and keep taxes low. As long as revenues keep increasing, it pays off in the end, as it did for Facebook, LinkedIn, and Amazon. (Yeah, yeah, I know, Amazon has an outrageously high price-to-earnings ratio and forward P/E, but look at the growth rate of revenues and earnings. Income for the latest fiscal year spiked 292% over the previous year.)

6 Revenue Increasers

But what can Twitter specifically do to increase revenues and earnings? Here is a list of suggestions.

  1. Offer ads that appear by every tweet made by Trump. These ads could appear either above or below the tweet, or both.
  2. Offer ads that appear by every major celebrity tweet, especially those with over a million followers.
  3. When you check your lists, there should be an ad above or below the lists.
  4. In the left hand column, under Trends for You, an ad should be available to advertisers. It would not be intrusive to users who first log on, but would be a great location for advertisers when users scroll down.
  5. Aggressively go after major advertisers to pay for promoted tweets (Amazon book of the day, Wal-Mart deal of the day, Priceline travel deal of the day, etc.)
  6. Set up a Tweet Bank. There are tweets that I want to save that have interesting links, gifs, or pictures. However, when I look for them after a month or two, they are very hard to find, even if I check my Like list. It would be nice if there was a little Save icon next to the Direct Message icon, where I could save the tweet into my Tweet Bank. (This isn’t really a profit making suggestion, just a user enhancement making idea.)

By the way, this is not a stock recommendation (in spite of what the title of this article says). I never give investment advice. This is just a suggestion for your own research and entertainment.

One of these days, Twitter will turn around. The bird will fly. It’s just a matter of who, what, and when.

Disclosure: Author owns TWTR and AMZN.

What Is Amazon Prime Day and Why Should I Care?

Amazon Prime Day is an annual one-day only global shopping event exclusively for Prime members of Amazon (AMZN), which offer major sales on various items. It is being held today, July 11th, 2017. Here are just a few of the best bargains:

Prime Day Amazon Devices starting at $29.99

Prime Day All New Fire Tablet starting $29.99

Prime Day Echo Dot only $34.99

Echo 50% off on Prime Day

30% Off Select Amazon Exclusive Toys & Games

Kindle – Up to 40% Off Kindle Unlimited

Prime Members get 40% off Audible Membership from June 29, 2017 through July 11, 2017

Prime Day Savings on Toys & Games


How to Get an Amazon Dash Wand for Free

The Dash Wand is the latest tech product from Amazon. If you haven’t heard about it, here are the details.

Dash Wand

  • The Amazon Dash Wand with Alexa helps you find recipes, convert cups to ounces, buy and reorder essentials, find nearby restaurants and more.
  • Purchase Dash Wand for $20 and get $20 off your next purchase after you register the device. *
  • Try AmazonFresh free for 90 days (normally $14.99 per month) **
  • Say it or scan a barcode. It’s added to your shopping cart. Just say “paper towels.”
  • Water-resistant, durable design, and magnetic so you can stick it on your fridge.

Here are the details about how to get it free:

Essentially free with a $20 Amazon credit when you register the device. Once you register Dash Wand, the $20 credit will appear in your shopping cart the next time you check out with an eligible item.

This deal may not last long. If you are interested, you can see more details at the link below.

Dash Wand


Amazon Will Provide Everything Except Wash your Windows: Wait, They Do That Too! Really!

You need your windows washed? Go to Amazon. Is your toilet plugged up? Go to Amazon. Need your house painted? Go to Amazon. What? You haven’t heard of Amazon Home & Business Services? Yes, they do all that and more, including cleaning your house, setting up your home theater, or assembling your furniture.

So if you have been wondering why Amazon (AMZN) stock has been rising so much, grossly outperforming the S&P 500 over the last year by more than double, now you know why. They are taking over the lawn mowing business.

But seriously, many investors believe that Amazon is all about Amazon Web Services, commonly referred to as AWS, which is the company’s cloud computing division. And it’s true. AWS revenues have jumped 55% year over year, but still only provides 9% of overall revenues. However, AWS does provide 74% of operating income currently.

Amazon is much more. It is creeping (in a good way) into everyone’s lives. It’s not just the books, and the vitamins, and the clothes, and the watches. Amazon markets just about any product you can think of. (A few years ago, there was a way you could even order marijuana through Amazon, but that’s for another article.) Plus, the intangible growth is enormous, whether it’s music, eBooks, or movies.

Amazon has its CreateSpace division, which allows anyone to quickly publish their own book for free. But now the company is pushing self-produced movies and TV shows. These aren’t the company produced Amazon Originals like Bosch, these are the individual produced shows that anyone can create and have Amazon market for them, with a choice of how to receive revenues. An example of this is the show Private Sales, a TV show about an escort service in the beach cities area of Los Angeles.

In terms of the company’s financials, net cash flow has grown $4.180 billion in 2012 to $16.443 billion for 2016. This is a 41% increase per year on average. Not too shabby.

But what about the losses? The company has generated negative income in two of the last five years, and the net income it has generated hasn’t been that great, giving the stock a trailing price to earnings ratio of 187. Of course! The lower your net income, the lower you pay in taxes. Once money is paid out in taxes, that money is gone. The company has been smart enough to spend funds on employee wages, research and development, plants, equipment, and other tax-deductible expenditures that will help the company grow, keep net income low, and taxes low.

Back in 2007, I wrote an article about how Amazon is a Screaming Buy at 38.10 per share. I didn’t buy the stock at the time but I should have taken my own advice, as the stock took off and never looked back.

Disclosure: Author now owns AMZN.