Josh Tolley: The Fastest, Most Proven Way to Create Life-Changing Prosperity: Exclusive Interview

by Fred Fuld III

The following informative interview was provided by Josh Tolley, the founder and chairman of Tolley & Company, an organization that buys, builds, operates and sells companies in multiple industries including finance, spirits, birthing centers, professional sports and many others. Josh has built multiple multi-million-dollar companies over his career and has helped many other people do the same. He has appeared on national and international television, been featured in two documentaries, has conducted over 1,000 interviews, 2,000+ radio broadcasts and is regarded by many as the Global Voice on Business.His book was recently released, with the title:   Acquisitional Wealth: The Fastest, Most Proven Way to Create Life-Changing Prosperity, which was recently released. Check out my book review.

This interview contains a lot of great information about buying your own business. Some of the topics included are as follows:

• Why owning a business is the best way of investing your money
• What are the best industries to own a business in
• What are the worst industries to own a business in
• How to use IRA funds to invest in your own business
• The worst mistakes that first time business buyers make
• and much, much more!

The Josh Tolley Interview

To stream the interview, click:


It may take a few seconds to load. You can also download the interview as an mp3 file by right-clicking (or Control clicking) HERE
and choosing “save as”.

The Acquisitional Wealth Book

The book,  Acquisitional Wealth: The Fastest, Most Proven Way to Create Life-Changing Prosperity, is available through Amazon and other book stores.

More Information about Josh Tolley

Additional information can be found about Josh Tolley and his company can be found at

Enjoy the interview!

Neither this site, nor the interviewer, nor the interviewee are rendering tax, legal, or investment advice in this interview. All opinions are those of Josh Tolley, and do not represent the opinions of this site or the interviewer.





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Acquisitional Wealth: A Game-Changer for Financial Freedom

by Fred Fuld III

It is rare that I read a book cover-to cover. This is one of them.

Josh Tolley’s Acquisitional Wealth: The Fastest, Most Proven Way to Create Life-Changing Prosperity is a breath of fresh air in the personal finance genre. Forget the slow slog of traditional wealth-building advice. This book cuts to the chase, revealing the power of acquisition as the key to financial transformation.

Tolley argues convincingly that the wealthy have known this secret for ages, and Acquisitional Wealth unlocks it for you. The book lays out a clear, actionable plan for acquiring businesses, not just any businesses, but those primed for growth and profitability.

Here’s what truly impressed me:

  • Simple Yet Powerful: The core concept is deceptively simple, focusing on acquisition over time-consuming ventures like stock picking. But the practical steps to find and evaluate businesses are well-explained.
  • Actionable Strategies: Tolley doesn’t just provide theory. He offers a roadmap, complete with resources and guidance, to put his ideas into action.
  • Mindset Shift: This book is more than just strategies. It’s about challenging limiting beliefs and approaching wealth-building with a new perspective.

I like the fact that he goes into great detail without being boring. For example, after you buy a business and have your first meeting with the employees, he even tells you what type of food to serve at the meeting.

Whether you’re a complete novice or a seasoned investor, Acquisitional Wealth has something to offer. It’s not a get-rich-quick scheme, but a realistic and empowering path to financial independence.

If you’re ready to ditch the slow lane and take control of your financial future, this book is a must-read.





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