How to Get Free Shares of Domino’s Pizza Stock

If pizza is one of your favorite types of food, and you also like investing, you should take advantage a special offer from Domino’s Pizza (DPZ).

Domino’s has just come come out with a special offer where every month for a year, you have a chance to win ten shares of Domino’s stock. You need to be a Piece of the Pie Rewards member, and members are automatically entered. There will be 25 winners each month.

Years ago, these types of offers where people could win shares of stock from various companies, were a bit more common, but this is the first one I’ve seen in a few years.

One additional bonus of joining the Domino’s rewards program is that Domino’s will pay $10,000 per winner for 50 winners, in their Score Profits from Domino’s Stores contest.

More information about the contest can be found at the Domino’s web site.

Corporate Stock Earnings Reports for the 4th Week of January

Looking for some interesting moves in some stocks this upcoming week? Check out the companies that will be reporting earnings.

If earnings exceed analysts’ expectations, the stocks can shoot up. If the numbers underperform, the stock can tank. Then again, occasionally, stocks don’t move the way you would have expected.

Anyway, many traders use earnings plays for trading strategies. Also, option traders look for high implied volatility of stocks for for option selling strategies.

Here are many of the enormous number of stocks reporting earnings this week:











































If you like interesting stock lists like this, be sure to check out many of the free stock lists here at

Stocks Going Ex Dividend the Fourth Week of January

Here is our latest update on the stock trading technique called ‘Buying Dividends,’ also commonly referred to as ‘Dividend Capture.’ This is the process of buying stocks before the ex dividend date and selling the stock shortly after the ex date at about the same price, yet still being entitled to the dividend. This technique generally works only in bull markets, and can work in flat or choppy markets, but you need to avoid the technique during bear markets.

In order to be entitled to the dividend, you have to buy the stock before the ex-dividend date, and you can’t sell the stock until after the ex date. The actual dividend may not be paid for another few weeks. has compiled a downloadable and sortable list of the stocks going ex dividend in the near future. The list contains many dividend paying companies, lots with market caps over $500 million, and yields over 2%. Here are a few examples showing the stock symbol, the ex-dividend date, the quarterly dividend amount, and annual yield.

Clorox Company (CLX) 1/23/2017 0.80 2.6%
Lowe’s Companies, Inc. (LOW) 1/23/2017 0.35 1.7%
Royal Bank Of Canada (RY) 1/24/2017 0.618 3.4%
Williams-Sonoma, Inc. (WSM) 1/24/2017 0.37 2.9%
Pentair plc. (PNR) 1/25/2017 0.345 2.3%
ConAgra Brands, Inc. (CAG) 1/26/2017 0.20 2.6%

The additional ex-dividend stocks can be found here at (If you have been to the website before, and the latest link doesn’t show up, you may have to empty your cache.) If you like dividend stocks, you should check out some of the other high yield stock lists at or Most of the lists are free.

Dividend definitions:

Declaration date: the day that the company declares that there is going to be an upcoming dividend.

Ex-dividend date: the day on which if you buy the stock, you would not be entitled to that particular dividend; or the first day on which a shareholder can sell the shares and still be entitled to the dividend.

Monthly Dividend Stock List

Record date: the day when you must be on the company’s books as a shareholder to receive the dividend. The ex-dividend date is normally set for stocks at two business days before the record date.

Payment date: the day on which the dividend payment is actually made, which can be as long at two months after the ex date.

Book now available: Buying Dividends Revised and Expanded

Book now available: Stock Market Trivia Makes a Great Gift!
Don’t forget to reconfirm the ex-dividend date with the company before implementing this technique.

Disclosure: Author did not own any of the above at the time the article was written.

6 Ways to Make Money in a Stock Market Crash

There are lots of ways to make money from a falling stock market, some speculative, and some not so risky. It’s great that these options are available, because small investors need a way to protect themselves, and even make money on the downside. Many traders and investors believe that the stock market has reached a peak. Here are several options to choose from.

1. Shorting Stocks

OK, let’s get this one over with first because it is one of the most speculative and risky ways of making money in a bear market. In simple terms, you make money when the stock goes down and you lose money when the stock goes up. What technically happens is that you borrow the shares and immediately sell them (this all is done electronically through your brokerage firm) and since you owe those shares, you eventually have to buy them back at some price, hopefully a lower price. The difference between your sale price and eventual purchase price is your profit.

Can you make a lot of money shorting stocks in a bear market? Yes. Is it speculative? Very. Can you lose a lot? Most definitely. This is why it is so risky. When you short a stock, the lowest point it can drop to is zero. Whereas, if the stock goes up, the amount it can increase is unlimited. Let’s say you short 100 shares of a stock at $20 a share. If you put up funds equal to 100% of the value of the shorted amount, and the stock drops to zero, you’ve made a 100% return. However, suppose the stock goes from 20 to 100, you end up losing 400% of your money with lots of margin calls along the way.

Have I shorted stocks? Yes. Have I made money from shorting? Yes. Have I lost a big chunk of my profits by closing out my short positions and going long, trying to predict the bottom? In the interest of full disclosure, yes. Several years ago, I made the second worse decision I could have made when shorting, and that is predicting the bottom of the market too soon. The worst decision would have been to hold on to my short positions after the market bottomed and started to make a quick rise. Often when the market bottoms at the end of a bear market, the rise is very sharp and fast, and can totally wipe out short position profits very quickly and then some.

Just before the big crash several years ago, shortly after I shorted a high priced stock selling for about $100 a share, the position went against me by 13 points. That’s a $1,300 loss for just one hundred shares in one day! I still had the short position after the market closed, and had the pleasure of trying to sleep at night, wondering if there was going to be a takeover the next morning or some other good news that would drive the price even higher, making my losses worse. Fortunately, the stock crashed along with the rest of the stock market and I ended up making a profit, but it was very stressful waiting for it to happen.

One way to hedge yourself is buy buying a call option on the stock you sorted, to protect yourself in the event the stock rises.

So in summery, do I think you should short stocks? Absolutely not. The risk is unbelievable. If you understand options real well, hedged short selling might be OK, as long as you are an experienced trader, and know what you’re doing.

2. Short (Bearish) ETFs

There is a type of Exchange Traded Fund called the Bearish ETF or Short ETF. What these ETFs do is provide a return opposite to the return of the index, sector, or industry that it is tracking.

For example, the Short Dow30 ProShares (DOG) provides a return that is the inverse of the Dow Jones Industrial Average. If the Dow goes down 2%, the DOG goes up 2%. The Short QQQ ProShares (PSQ) ETF gives a return that is the inverse of the NASDAQ 100 Index. If you are bearish on gold, you can buy the PowerShares DB Gold Short ETN (BGZ) ETF.

The nice thing about these short ETFs is that your losses are limited. Also, if you are long individual stocks that you don’t want to sell, these can be good for protecting your portfolio on the downside.

3. Leveraged Bearish ETFs

If you like volatility, you will love the leveraged bearish ETFs. What these ETFs do is provide double, and in some cases triple the inverse return of indices. One example is the UltraShort Telecommunications ProShares (TLL), the Rydex Inverse 2x S&P Select Sector Health (RHO), the UltraShort Consumer Services ProShares (SCC) and the Rydex Inverse 2x S&P Select Sector Tech (RTW).

In addition there are over a dozen triple leveraged bearish ETFs. Talk about price moves! The volatility of these things is unbelievable, and so are the wide bid and asked spreads that I’ve seen occasionally.

The advantage of these trading vehicles is that they are a way of shorting on margin, with a limit on the downside. The disadvantage is that the losses are quick and large, especially with the triple leverage short ETFs.

4. Bear Funds

It may be hard to believe, but there are actually a large number of bearish mutual funds for the long term bearish investors.

There are many bearish mutual funds, including the Grizzly Short Fund (GRZZX), the PIMCO StocksPlus TR Short Strategy Institutional Fund (PSTIX), and the ProFunds Bear Investors Fund (BRPIX). These funds have minimum investments ranging from $1,000 to $5,000,000.

I’m not sure why anyone would invest in these unless it is for some kind of a long term hedge.

5. Puts

A put is the option to put your stock to someone at a particular price within a certain period of time. In other words, if you own a stock that is trading at 22 and you buy a put at a dollar [puts and calls are priced on a per share basis, so a put at $1 would cost $100 for 100 shares] which gives you the right to put your stock to someone at $20 per share within three months, there are a couple of things that could happen. The stock could tank to $14 a share and you could put your stock at 20, or just resell the put for 6. You would be far better off than just doing nothing. And if the stock goes up or stays about the same, you are just out your $100 for the option. Puts can be useful for experienced traders.

6. Cash

There is one other way to make money in a bear market. Sell everything, and keep your money in cash, preferably a T-bill money market fund, that only owns T-bills. (Repos are supposed to be just as safe, but these days, I would look for the ones that just own the T-bills. I will cover repos in another article.) The advantages are that you can’t lose money and you can receive an income from the investment.

Hopefully, this post will provide you with some ideas to hedge your portfolio in the event the stock market does tank, and maybe even make money from the market drop.

Stocks Going Ex Dividend the Third Week of January

Here is our latest update on the stock trading technique called ‘Buying Dividends,’ also commonly referred to as ‘Dividend Capture.’ This is the process of buying stocks before the ex dividend date and selling the stock shortly after the ex date at about the same price, yet still being entitled to the dividend. This technique generally works only in bull markets, and can work in flat or choppy markets, but you need to avoid the technique during bear markets.

In order to be entitled to the dividend, you have to buy the stock before the ex-dividend date, and you can’t sell the stock until after the ex date. The actual dividend may not be paid for another few weeks. has compiled a downloadable and sortable list of the stocks going ex dividend in the near future. The list contains many dividend paying companies, lots with market caps over $500 million, and yields over 2%. Here are a few examples showing the stock symbol, the ex-dividend date, the quarterly dividend amount, and annual yield.

Caterpillar, Inc. (CAT) 1/18/2017 0.77 3.3%
General Dynamics (GD) 1/18/2017 0.76 1.7%
PerkinElmer, Inc. (PKI) 1/18/2017 0.07 0.5%
Seaspan Corporation (SSW) 1/18/2017 0.375 13.8%
WD-40 Company (WDFC) 1/18/2017 0.49 1.6%
Zoetis Inc. (ZTS) 1/18/2017 0.105 0.7%
CVS Health (CVS) 1/20/2017 0.5 2.1%

The additional ex-dividend stocks can be found here at (If you have been to the website before, and the latest link doesn’t show up, you may have to empty your cache.) If you like dividend stocks, you should check out some of the other high yield stock lists at or Most of the lists are free.

Dividend definitions:

Declaration date: the day that the company declares that there is going to be an upcoming dividend.

Ex-dividend date: the day on which if you buy the stock, you would not be entitled to that particular dividend; or the first day on which a shareholder can sell the shares and still be entitled to the dividend.

Monthly Dividend Stock List

Record date: the day when you must be on the company’s books as a shareholder to receive the dividend. The ex-dividend date is normally set for stocks at two business days before the record date.

Payment date: the day on which the dividend payment is actually made, which can be as long at two months after the ex date.

Book now available: Buying Dividends Revised and Expanded

Book now available: Stock Market Trivia Makes a Great Gift!
Don’t forget to reconfirm the ex-dividend date with the company before implementing this technique.

Disclosure: Author did not own any of the above at the time the article was written.

The Latest Business & Investment Books

What a better way of starting the new year than improving your knowledge in the areas of business and investments. And what better way of improving your knowledge is by reading the top money and entrepreneurship books.

Here are some of the recent releases. All have overall averages of at least four stars.

The Undoing Project: A Friendship That Changed Our Minds

Tools of Titans: The Tactics, Routines, and Habits of Billionaires, Icons, and World-Class Performers

Thank You for Being Late: An Optimist’s Guide to Thriving in the Age of Accelerations

Shoe Dog: A Memoir by the Creator of Nike

The Art of Witty Banter: Be Clever, Be Quick, Be Interesting – Create Captivatin

Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance

Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World

Pre-Suasion: A Revolutionary Way to Influence and Persuade

Gameplan: The Complete Strategy Guide to go from Starter Kit to Silver

The Inevitable: Understanding the 12 Technological Forces That Will Shape Our Future

Corporate Stock Earnings Reports for the 2nd Week of January

Looking for some interesting moves in some stocks this upcoming week? Check out the companies that will be reporting earnings.

If earnings exceed analysts’ expectations, the stocks can shoot up. If the numbers underperform, the stock can tank. Then again, occasionally, stocks don’t move the way you would have expected.

Anyway, many traders use earnings plays for trading strategies. Also, option traders look for high implied volatility of stocks for for option selling strategies.

Here are many of the enormous number of stocks reporting earnings this week:























If you like interesting stock lists like this, be sure to check out many of the free stock lists here at

Stocks Going Ex Dividend for the Second Week of January

Here is our latest update on the stock trading technique called ‘Buying Dividends,’ also commonly referred to as ‘Dividend Capture.’ This is the process of buying stocks before the ex dividend date and selling the stock shortly after the ex date at about the same price, yet still being entitled to the dividend. This technique generally works only in bull markets, and can work in flat or choppy markets, but you need to avoid the technique during bear markets.

In order to be entitled to the dividend, you have to buy the stock before the ex-dividend date, and you can’t sell the stock until after the ex date. The actual dividend may not be paid for another few weeks. has compiled a downloadable and sortable list of the stocks going ex dividend in the near future. The list contains many dividend paying companies, lots with market caps over $500 million, and yields over 2%. Here are a few examples showing the stock symbol, the ex-dividend date, the dividend amount, and yield.

Campbell Soup Company (CPB) 1/9/2017 0.35 2.10%
New York Times Company (NYT) 1/9/2017 0.04 1.20%
Winnebago Industries (WGO) 1/9/2017 0.1 1.20%
Aetna Inc. (AET) 1/10/2017 0.25 0.80%
Humana Inc. (HUM) 1/10/2017 0.29 0.60%
Abbott Laboratories (ABT) 1/11/2017 0.265 2.70%

The additional ex-dividend stocks can be found here at (If you have been to the website before, and the latest link doesn’t show up, you may have to empty your cache.) If you like dividend stocks, you should check out some of the other high yield stock lists at or Most of the lists are free.

Dividend definitions:

Declaration date: the day that the company declares that there is going to be an upcoming dividend.

Ex-dividend date: the day on which if you buy the stock, you would not be entitled to that particular dividend; or the first day on which a shareholder can sell the shares and still be entitled to the dividend.

Monthly Dividend Stock List

Record date: the day when you must be on the company’s books as a shareholder to receive the dividend. The ex-dividend date is normally set for stocks at two business days before the record date.

Payment date: the day on which the dividend payment is actually made, which can be as long at two months after the ex date.

Book now available: Buying Dividends Revised and Expanded

Book now available: Stock Market Trivia Makes a Great Gift!
Don’t forget to reconfirm the ex-dividend date with the company before implementing this technique.

Disclosure: Author did not own any of the above at the time the article was written.

Exclusive Interview with Ken Fisher, Billionaire Money Manager, about the Stock Market

The following fascinating interview was provided by Kenneth L. Fisher, head of the money management firm Fisher Investments, long time columnist for Forbes Magazine, billionaire, and author of numerous books. His latest book is Beat the Crowd: How You Can Out-Invest the Herd by Thinking Differently, which I highly recommend.

You may have seen him on TV commercials, or you may have spotted his magazine ads. If you are a reader of Forbes, you would definitely find his column. Fisher is on the Forbes 400 list of richest Americans and Forbes world billionaires list. According to Investment Advisor magazine, he is one of the 30 most influential people in the investment advisory business over the last 30 years. Fisher is considered to be the largest wealth manager in the United States.
We cover a lot in this interview, including:

  • Whether or not we are still in a bull market
  • What it means to be a true contrarian
  • What the professional forecasters are predicting for the stock market this year (and why they are probably wrong)
  • Using the Leading Economics Index to predict the next few months
  • The concept of “not in the next 30 months”
  • Positive and negative “Elephants in the Room”
  • Concerns about the future consequences of punishing good banks for bailing out bad banks
  • Annuities, terrorism, climate change, debt, and much, much more.
Books by Ken Fisher

Here are some other books by Ken Fisher, which are worth checking out:

The Only Three Questions That Still Count: Investing By Knowing What Others Don’t
(A great companion to the Beat the Crowd book.)

The Ten Roads to Riches: The Ways the Wealthy Got There (And How You Can Too!) 
(This is actually my favorite book of his, maybe because it is so different from all the other finance books. It basically tells you ten ways, with all the steps, to get really rich, including “marrying a billionaire.” Lot’s of insight and lots of humor.)

Markets Never Forget (But People Do): How Your Memory Is Costing You Money and Why This Time Isn’t Different

The Little Book of Market Myths: How to Profit by Avoiding the Investing Mistakes Everyone Else Makes

Debunkery: Learn It, Do It, and Profit from It-Seeing Through Wall Street’s Money-Killing Myths

How to Smell a Rat: The Five Signs of Financial Fraud
(If you want to avoid getting ripped off, you really need to read this book.)

Other Books that Ken Fisher Recommends

In Chapter 8 of his Beat the Crowd book, he recommends several books for additional reading. Here are many of those books:

The Intelligent Investor: The Definitive Book on Value Investing

Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits

Reminiscences of a Stock Operator

Contrarian Investment Strategies: The Psychological Edge

Where Are the Customers’ Yachts?: or A Good Hard Look at Wall Street

That Which Is Seen and That Which Is Not Seen: The Unintended Consequences of Government Spending

How Capitalism Will Save Us: Why Free People and Free Markets Are the Best Answer in Today’s Economy

Business Cycles

How to Lie with Statistics

A Monetary History of the United States, 1867-1960

Growth and Welfare in the American Past: A New Economic History
The Rational Optimist: How Prosperity Evolves

Senseless Panic: How Washington Failed America

The Interview

You will certainly enjoy all this great information that Ken Fisher provides.

To stream the interview, click:

You can download as an mp3 by right-clicking here and choosing “save as.”

Let us know what you think about this interview by entering your comments in the comment section below.

All opinions are those of Ken Fisher, and do not represent the opinions of or the interviewer. Neither Stockerblog nor the interviewer nor the interviewee are rendering tax, legal, or investment advice in this interview.

15 Stock Market and Wall Street Related Videos for the Holidays

Are you looking for a few videos to watch during the holidays? Or maybe you are looking for a great video gift for a friend who is interested in investing and the stock market. Pick up a couple of these interesting videos, a few of which you my not be familiar with.

Limitless is about an author who takes a new drug which causes him to become extremely intelligent  and astute. He becomes a stock trader who turns $12,000 into $3 million in a week.

Wall Street, a classic Wall Street movie starring Michael Douglas.

Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps is the sequel.

Wolf Of Wall Street is the extreme Martin Scorsese movie starring Leonardo DiCaprio, about Jordan Belfort, the infamous pump-and-dumper.

The Wolves of Wall Street is about a Wall Street guy who turns into a werewolf. Not my kind of movie, but if you are into this kind of campy genre…

Startup.Com is an interesting documentary about the rise and fall of, during the dot com boom and bust.

Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room is an expose on the Enron scam, and the people behind it.

Mugshots: Enron – Wall Street Scammers is another good documentary about the Enron crooks.

The Crooked E: The Unshredded Truth About Enron is a movie, not a documentary about what else, Enron.

Too Big To Fail is a movie about the financial crisis of 2008, starring James Woods.

Unraveled is a documentary about a financial con man.

Inside Job is an Academy Award winning documentary about the financial crisis of 2008, Starring Matt Damon.

The Flaw is a documentary about the credit bubble and economic crash.

The Startup Kids is a doc about the young startup founders of Vimeo, Soundcloud and Dropbox.

Boiler Room is  a movie I really enjoyed, since it is based on a true story and gives insights into how a stock brokerage firm operating as a boiler room works.

Have I missed any? Any investment related movies that you would recommend? If so, enter it in the Comments section below.