U.S. Island Escapade: Why Owning Your Own Paradise Might Be a Smart Investment

by Fred Fuld III

Ah, the allure of owning your own private island. It’s a daydream most of us indulge in, but for some, this fantasy becomes reality.

Intangible Benefits of Island Ownership

While the financial considerations of island ownership are certainly intriguing, the true treasures lie beyond the bottom line. Let’s dive into the myriad benefits, both tangible and intangible, that await aspiring island escapists:

Unparalleled Seclusion: Your island becomes your sanctuary, a refuge from the hustle and bustle of the everyday world.

Adventure Awaits: Every day on your island is an opportunity for discovery and adventure.

Stress-Melting Serenity: Your island becomes a haven for peace and rejuvenation, a place to reconnect with yourself and nature.

Digital Detox: Unplug, unwind, and rediscover the simple joys of life. Leave the constant notifications and endless to-do lists behind. Your island becomes a space for mindful living, where the present moment reigns supreme.

Creative Catalyst: The raw beauty and solitude of your island can spark inspiration like wildfire. Whether it’s writing a novel, composing music, or painting landscapes, your island becomes a muse for the creative spirit.

Building Your Own Utopia: Design your island as a haven for loved ones, creating lasting memories and fostering deeper connections.

Environmental Stewardship: Become a guardian of your own ecosystem. Implement sustainable practices, preserve endangered species, and leave a positive impact on the land you call home. Your island becomes a beacon of conservation, setting an example for generations to come. 

A Family Legacy: Owning an island is more than just an investment; it’s a legacy you can pass on to future generations.

Financial Benefits of Island Ownership

While the recreational and personal benefits of island ownership are undeniable, there are also some potential financial advantages to consider. However, it’s crucial to remember that these benefits are not guaranteed and depend heavily on various factors like the island’s location, size, amenities, and development potential. Here are some possibilities:

Direct Income:

  • Island Rental: Renting your island to high-end vacationers or celebrities can generate substantial income,especially if it boasts unique features or luxurious accommodations. Think private beaches, eco-tourism bungalows, or amazing boating spots.
  • Resource Extraction: Depending on the island’s resources, you could potentially establish sustainable harvesting of fish, timber, or even natural resources like minerals, with proper permits and environmental considerations.
  • Eco-Tourism Development: Create a sustainable eco-resort or nature reserve, attracting eco-conscious tourists and generating income through guided tours, educational programs, and accommodation.

Indirect Financial Benefits:

  • Appreciation: If strategically chosen, the value of your island could appreciate over time, especially if it’s located in a desirable area with limited supply. This appreciation can offer a significant return on investment in the long run.
  • Tax Advantages: There may be some tax benefits, if the island is rented out.
  • Debt-Free Retirement: Owning an island can be a unique, self-sufficient retirement plan. By building your own home and growing your own food, you can significantly reduce your living expenses and achieve financial independence.

Additional Considerations:

  • Upfront Costs: Purchasing and maintaining an island can be incredibly expensive. Initial costs include the purchase price, legal fees, building permits, and infrastructure development. Ongoing costs involve maintenance, staff salaries, utilities, and security.
  • Accessibility and Infrastructure: Remote islands might require significant investments in transportation infrastructure like boats, airstrips, or solar power, further adding to the initial costs.
  • Legal and Regulatory Issues: Navigating island ownership involves complex legal and regulatory hurdles,particularly regarding land use, environmental regulations, and building codes.

Remember, owning an island for financial gain is a high-risk venture. Thorough research, expert consultation, and a realistic appraisal of your resources are crucial before embarking on this adventure. The financial benefits should be carefully weighed against the potential risks and challenges.

Ultimately, the decision to purchase an island for financial reasons should be driven by a combination of passion, careful planning, and a healthy dose of financial prudence.

Benefits of US Islands Over Other Countries

For an American considering owning an island, there are several potential advantages in choosing a US island over one in another country:

Legal and Regulatory Ease:

  • Familiar legal system: Owning land in the US means operating within a legal system you likely already understand, reducing complications and simplifying processes like property registration, permits, and tax filing.
  • English as the primary language: Communication with authorities, contractors, and potential business partners becomes much easier as you don’t need to navigate language barriers.
  • Clearer property rights: Property ownership laws in the US are generally well-established and transparent,providing greater security and clarity compared to some foreign countries.

Accessibility and Travel:

  • Reduced travel time and cost: Domestic travel is often faster and less expensive than international trips,making it easier to visit your island more frequently and manage its upkeep.
  • Familiar infrastructure: Transportation and logistics will likely be more straightforward, with established infrastructure for transportation, communication, and utilities.
  • Emergency response and security: Access to familiar emergency services and law enforcement can provide peace of mind, especially for remote islands.

Financial Considerations:

  • Potentially lower overall cost: Depending on the specific islands being compared, US islands may offer more competitive purchase prices and development costs due to established markets and infrastructure.
  • Tax implications: American citizens are typically subjected to US tax laws regardless of where they own property, potentially streamlining tax reporting and avoiding complicated international tax treaties.
  • Investment appeal: US real estate, particularly waterfront properties, is generally considered a stable and reliable investment, potentially increasing the resale value of your island in the future.

Cultural Similarities:

  • Familiar community and amenities: You’ll likely find more cultural similarities with the surrounding communities, simplifying integration and access to familiar amenities.
  • Reduced language barrier: Communication with potential employees, neighbors, and service providers will be easier, fostering smoother relationships and collaborations.
  • Similarities in business and legal practices: Conducting business on your island, if desired, will be more familiar and straightforward due to shared business practices and legal frameworks.

Of course, the specific advantages will vary depending on the location of both the US and foreign islands being considered. Factors like distance to the mainland, development level, and environmental regulations will also play a role. It’s crucial to do your research and evaluate each island based on your individual needs and priorities.

Ultimately, while owning an island in another country can offer unique experiences and opportunities, an American looking for a familiar, easily accessible, and potentially financially advantageous option may find significant benefits in choosing a US island.

California Islands and Other US Islands For Sale

So are there islands you can actually buy within the United States? The answer is a definite Yes!

As a matter of fact, you can even buy islands in California, of all places.

You have a couple options in the San Francisco Area. Red Rock Island (also known as Moleta, Molate Rock, and Golden Rock) is for sale for $25,000,000.

Picture credit: Zillow.com

The size of the island, according to PrivateIslandsOnline is six acres, 5.8 acres according to Wikipedia, and 5.78 acres according to the listing agent, Christopher Lim with Christie’s Int’l Real Estate as reported on Zillow.

It is located near the Richmond/San Rafael Bridge, just a hop, skip, and a jump from the city of San Francisco. It has a sandy beach on the east side, hiking trails, and tunnels.

This unique property is the only privately owned island in San Francisco Bay.

Dutras Island in Oakley, California, is probably one of the most inexpensive islands for sale in the world, at only $125,000.

Oakley is a small town in the far eastern part of the San Francisco Bay Area, in Contra Costa County.

Dutras Island, formerly called Dutra Island, is four acres, and is accessible by boat and air. The following video shows an aerial view.

The island is offered through Ron Pargett Real Estate.

Vladi Private Islands has almost a dozen U.S. islands for sale, in such states as New York, Wisconsin, Maryland, South Carolina, Florida, Texas, and Maine.

Owning an island isn’t just about making money or escaping the world; it’s about embracing a new way of life. It’s about reconnecting with nature, rediscovering yourself, and leaving a lasting legacy. So, if the call of the open ocean whispers in your ear, and the dream of your own island paradise beckons, remember, it might just be the smartest investment you’ll ever make.

Top Stocks of the Freest Country in the World: Singapore

by Fred Fuld III

The Heritage Foundation has named Singapore as the number one country in its Index of Economic Freedom.

The Country Index of Economic Freedom, published by The Heritage Foundation, is a widely used measure of the economic liberty enjoyed by individuals in different countries. It works by analyzing and scoring 12 key areas considered essential for economic freedom, grouped into four broad categories:

1. Rule of Law (property rights, judicial effectiveness, government integrity): This category assesses the protection of individual property rights, the fairness and efficiency of the legal system, and the level of corruption within the government.

2. Government Size (fiscal freedom, government spending, public sector burden): This category examines the extent of government intervention in the economy through taxation, spending, and regulations.

3. Regulatory Efficiency (business freedom, labor freedom, monetary freedom): This category evaluates the ease of starting and operating a business, the flexibility of labor markets, and the soundness of the monetary system.

4. Open Markets (trade freedom, investment freedom, financial freedom): This category assesses the openness of a country’s borders to trade and investment, and the level of government intervention in the financial sector.

Each of these 12 areas is graded on a scale of 0 to 100, with 100 representing the most economically free environment. The overall score for a country is then calculated by averaging the scores across all 12 areas, giving equal weight to each one.

Here are some additional points to keep in mind about the Country Index of Economic Freedom:

  • Methodology: The Heritage Foundation uses a variety of quantitative and qualitative data sources to compile the index, including official government statistics, surveys of businesses and experts, and reports from international organizations.
  • Uses: The Country Index of Economic Freedom is widely used by businesses, investors, and policymakers as a tool for understanding and comparing the economic environments of different countries.

Singapore shines in many areas. Here are five key things it’s often praised for:

1. Economic Powerhouse: Singapore boasts a dynamic and diverse economy, consistently ranking high in global competitiveness and ease of doing business. Its strategic location, efficient transport networks, and skilled workforce attract multinational companies and contribute to its robust GDP growth.

2. Culinary Melting Pot: A vibrant mosaic of cultures translates to a mouthwatering culinary scene. From traditional hawker centers bursting with local delicacies to Michelin-starred restaurants showcasing global cuisines, Singapore tantalizes any palate.

3. Green City in Bloom: Despite its urban landscape, Singapore prioritizes green spaces. Lush parks, vertical gardens, and tree-lined boulevards offer residents and visitors a refreshing escape from the city buzz. Sustainability initiatives like the Green Plan 2030 further promote environmental consciousness.

4. Innovation Hub: Home to world-class research institutions and tech giants, Singapore embraces innovation. From fintech ventures to cutting-edge healthcare research, the city-state constantly pushes boundaries and fosters collaboration within a thriving startup ecosystem.

5. Multicultural Mosaic: Singapore’s diverse population, representing various ethnicities and religions, thrives in harmony. This inclusive and tolerant society celebrates its multicultural heritage through festivals, traditions, and everyday interactions, enriching the social fabric.

These are just a few highlights, and depending on your interests, you might further appreciate Singapore’s efficient public transportation, world-class educational system, or vibrant arts scene.

So investors are asking, is there a way to invest ion Singapore?

One of the largest Singapore stocks that trades in the U.S. is Grab Holdings (GRAB), with a market cap of $12.4 billion.

The company is a Southeast Asian super app provider based in Singapore, offering a multitude of everyday services like ride-hailing, food delivery, and digital payments through its user-friendly mobile app.

Founded in 2012, Grab has grown into a regional powerhouse, serving millions of users across eight countries in Southeast Asia. Its commitment to innovation and local adaptation has helped it become a deeply ingrained part of the daily lives of many in the region.

While ride-hailing remains its core business, Grab has steadily expanded its offerings, venturing into food delivery, digital payments, financial services, and even grocery delivery. This strategic diversification has fueled its impressive growth and solidified its position as a leading tech player in the region.

Unfortunately, the company has been generating negative earnings, but is expected to be close to breakeven next quarter.

However, annual revenues growth over the last five years was 103.91%, with the latest quarterly revenue growth of 61%.

Another large Singapore company is the Internet and mobile gaming platform company, Sea Ltd. (SE), with a market cap of $20.4 billion.

Founded in 2009, it has exploded into a regional leader, serving millions across Southeast Asia and Latin America. Its mobile-first approach and deep understanding of local preferences have fueled its success, with Shopee dominating online shopping and Garena boasting thriving mobile games like Free Fire. SeaMoney further bolsters its ecosystem by offering cashless payment solutions, creating a seamless digital experience for users.

The stock trades at 35 times trailing earnings and has a forward price to earnings ratio of 46. Earnings per share growth this year was an amazing 140% and quarterly earnings growth per share year-over-year of 74.7%.

Annual sales growth for the last five years was 104%.

JOYY, Inc. (YY), the communication social platform, is a $1.42 billion company.

The stock has a forward P/E of 8.68, and earnings per share growth this year was 40.55%.

Of course, for diversification, you can always choose the iShares MSCI Singapore ETF (EWS), which has an expense ratio of 0.50%.

Will a free country benefit these stocks? Let freedom reign.

Disclosure: Author didn’t own any of the above the time the article was written.

Top Stocks That Just Increased Their Dividends

by Fred Fuld III

Investors like stocks that have increased their dividend.

There are several reasons why investors tend to favor stocks that have had a dividend increase:

Increased income: A dividend increase means a larger payout to shareholders, providing a more immediate and reliable source of income. This is particularly attractive to investors seeking regular cash flow, such as retirees or those living off their portfolios.

Signal of confidence: A dividend increase is often seen as a signal of a company’s strong financial health and healthy long-term prospects. This suggests the company is confident in its ability to generate sustained profitability and share its success with shareholders. This confidence can boost investor sentiment and attract new investors seeking stable and growing income streams.

Growth potential: While not always the case, a dividend increase can also point to future growth potential. It can indicate that the company has excess cash and sees limited opportunities for reinvestment within the business. This suggests the company may be exploring new lines of business or initiatives that could unlock future growth, further increasing shareholder value.

Risk reduction: Dividend-paying stocks tend to be less volatile than their non-dividend counterparts. This is because they attract investors seeking income and stability, leading to a more consistent investor base. A dividend increase can further solidify this perception of stability, making the stock a less risky investment in the eyes of some investors.

Market psychology: A dividend increase can be seen as a positive momentum indicator, often sparking increased demand for the stock as investors try to capitalize on the perceived trend of future growth and income. This increased demand can drive up the stock price, adding to the potential returns for investors.

It’s important to note that not all dividend increases are created equal. Investors should also consider:

  • The size of the increase: A large increase is generally more favorable than a small one.
  • The company’s dividend history: A consistent track record of dividend increases is more reassuring than a one-time bump.
  • The reason for the increase: Understanding the company’s rationale behind the increase (e.g., strong earnings,increased cash flow) can provide context.
  • Overall financial health: While a dividend increase is positive, it shouldn’t come at the expense of the company’s financial stability.

The following is a list of stocks that have increased their dividends during the last week.

Stock% IncreaseYield
Fastenal (FAST)11%2.23%
Royalty Pharma plc (RPRX)5%2.87%
ONEOK, Inc. (OKE)3.7%5.71%
Penske Automotive Group, Inc. (PAG)10%1.97%
 Independent Bank Corporation (IBCP)4%3.46%
NRG Energy, Inc. (NRG)8%3.09%
Franklin Electric Co., Inc. (FELE)11%1.04%

One of the stocks on the list, ONEOK (OKE), not only increased their dividend by 3.7% but also authorized a $2 billion Share Repurchase Program. The company is a major American energy infrastructure company, connecting key gas supply and demand centers through its vast pipeline network, primarily focused on natural gas liquids. The stock trades at 12.7 times trailing earnings and yields 5.71%.

Fastenal, which distributes fasteners and tools, and operates hardware stores, had one of the biggest increases in its dividend payout, increasing by 11%. The stock has a price to earnings ratio of 34 and yields 2.23%. 

Let’s hope that higher dividends turn into higher stock prices.

Disclosure: Author didn’t own any of the above at the time the article was written.

5 Stocks with Short Interest Over 40%: Possible Short Squeeze Plays

by Fred Fuld III

Did you know that at one point, GameStop (GME), the high flying meme stock, had 140% of its total outstanding shares shorted, according to the book, The Antisocial Network (now republished as Dumb Money).

It is possible for a stock to have a short interest exceeding 100% of its outstanding shares. However, this is relatively rare and can occur due to several factors:

1. Naked Short Selling: This illegal practice involves selling borrowed shares without first locating them. While most brokers have safeguards to prevent naked short selling, it can still happen, especially with less-regulated stocks. In such cases, the number of shorted shares can temporarily exceed the number of outstanding shares.

2. Share Lending and Relending: When shares are borrowed for short selling, they can be re-lent to other short sellers multiple times. This can create a situation where the total number of shorted shares appears to be more than the number of outstanding shares, even though no naked short selling has occurred.

3. Synthetic Short Positions: These positions involve using derivatives like options or futures contracts to mimic the effect of short selling. While not directly borrowing shares, these positions can still contribute to the overall short interest and push it above 100%.

It is probably the lending and relending that contributed the most to GameStop short interest going over 100%.

A short squeeze is a phenomenon that occurs in financial markets when investors who have sold shares of a stock short (i.e., betting that the stock price will fall) are forced to buy those shares back at a higher price than they expected. This can happen when the stock’s price rises sharply, causing losses for short sellers who need to buy the stock to cover their position and limit their losses.

As more and more short sellers try to buy the stock to close out their positions, this increased buying activity can drive the stock price even higher, creating a feedback loop that can lead to a rapid and dramatic increase in price. This can create a challenging situation for short sellers, who may be forced to buy back the stock at a loss, or risk even greater losses if the stock continues to rise. A short squeeze can also create opportunities for long investors who have purchased the stock, as they may be able to sell their shares at a higher price to short sellers looking to cover their positions.

When you short a stock, it means that your goal is to make money from a drop in the price of a stock. Technically, what happens is that you borrow shares of a stock, sell those shares, then buy back those shares at a hopefully lower price so that those shares can be returned. This all happens electronically, so you don’t actually see all the borrowing and returning of shares; it just shows up on your screen as a negative number of shares.

Short sellers can be profitable, but sometimes when the stock moves against them, and begins to rise, the short sellers jump in right away to buy shares to cover their positions, creating what is called a short squeeze. When a short squeeze takes place, it can cause the share prices to increase fast and furiously. Any good news can trigger the short squeeze.

Some traders utilize this situation by looking for stocks to buy that may have a potential short squeeze. Here is what a short squeeze trader should take into consideration:

Short Percentage of Float ~ The float is the number of freely tradable shares and the short percentage is the number of shares held short divided by the float. Amounts over 10% to 20% are considered high and potential short squeeze plays.

Short Ratio / Days to Cover / Short Interest Ratio -This is probably the most important metric when looking for short squeeze trades, no matter what you call it. This is the number of days it would take the short sellers to cover their position based on the average daily volume of shares traded. This is a significant ratio as it shows how “stuck” the short sellers are when they want to buy in their shares without driving up the price too much. Unfortunately for the shortsellers, the longer the number of days to cover, the bigger and longer the squeeze.

Short Percentage Increase/Decrease ~ This is the percentage increase in in the number of short sellers from the previous month.

The following are some heavily shorted stocks that have short interest above 40%.

CompanySymbolShort InterestFloatOutstdS. I. Ratio% chg from prev month
Fisker IncFSR47.28%199.17M218.20M4.54%
Novavax IncNVAX43.94%111.96M118.79M6.58%
Upstart Holdings IncUPST41.91%72.37M85.06M3.5-1%
Beyond Meat IncBYND40.09%60.86M64.54M8.2-5%
Carvana CoCVNA40.04%94.11M106.54M4.38%

The second stock on the list, Novavax (NVAX) has almost 44% of its float shorted, with an 8% increase in short interest over last month.

The short interest ratio is 6.5, which means that it would take the short sellers over six days to cover their position, based on recent average volume.

Just keep in mind that just because a stock has good short interest ratios and is heavily shorted, doesn’t mean that the stock will go up, especially in a bear market.

In addition, the short positions and other data can change at any time.

Also, stocks that are significantly shorted may up being just lemons.

Disclosure: Author didn’t own any of the above at the time the article was written.

What is the RMD and Why Should You Care If You’re Over 70

by Fred Fuld III

The Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) is the minimum amount you must withdraw from your traditional IRA or employer-sponsored retirement accounts each year, starting at a certain age. It’s essentially a way to prevent retirement savings from growing indefinitely tax-deferred, ensuring the government collects its share of the money eventually.

Here’s why RMDs are important:

  • Avoiding penalties: Failing to take your RMDs by the deadline results in a hefty penalty of 50% of the undistributed amount. That’s a significant chunk of your retirement savings potentially going to the IRS instead of you.
  • Planning for income: Knowing your RMD amount helps you plan your budget in retirement. You can factor it in when estimating your income and making spending decisions.
  • Managing taxes: Taking RMDs allows you to spread out the tax burden on your retirement savings over multiple years, potentially reducing your overall tax liability.

Here are some key things to remember about RMDs:

  • The RMD age is currently 73, having recently increased from 72 due to the SECURE Act 2.0.
  • The first RMD can be delayed until April 1 of the following year, but all subsequent RMDs must be taken by December 31st.
  • The RMD amount is calculated based on a formula that considers your account balance and your life expectancy. Several online calculators can help you estimate your RMD.

It’s crucial to consult with an accountant or financial advisor if you have any questions or concerns about RMDs. They can help you understand your specific situation and ensure you’re taking the right steps to comply with IRS regulations and maximize your retirement income.

Schwab has a calculator that can determine how much you need to withdraw for your RMD, based on your date of birth, account balance, and other information.

Remember, 50% is a huge penalty, so make sure you withdraw it correctly.

Top Cell Tower Stocks

by Fred Fuld III

You may have seen an ad on TV recently from one of the major telephone companies, bragging about how they DON’T own cell towers in order to provide the consumers with lower costs and better service.

So what’s that all about?

Are there investment opportunities in the cell tower industry?

The cell tower industry, often referred to as the wireless infrastructure sector, plays a crucial role in enabling our ever-expanding mobile connectivity. It’s the backbone of the cellular networks that keep us connected on our phones, tablets, and laptops, providing the physical foundation for calls, texts, data transmission, and even emerging technologies like 5G.

At the core of the industry are the tower companies, who own and operate the physical cell towers. These companies lease space on their towers to mobile network operators [MNOs] like Verizon (VZ), AT&T (T), and T-Mobile (TMUS), who then install their own equipment to broadcast their signals. This allows MNOs to provide coverage to their subscribers in various locations, from bustling cities to remote rural areas.

The cell tower industry is a multi-billion dollar sector, driven by the ever-increasing demand for mobile data. As more and more devices connect to the internet, and as we rely on our phones for more aspects of our lives, the need for reliable and widespread coverage grows. This, in turn, fuels the demand for more cell towers and infrastructure upgrades.

The industry is also constantly evolving, with the deployment of 5G technology being a major driver of change. 5G requires a denser network of cell towers and small cell installations to deliver its promised ultra-fast speeds and low latency. This is opening up new opportunities for tower companies and creating fresh challenges in terms of network planning and deployment.

The cell tower industry is a vital but often unseen sector that underpins our mobile world. As our reliance on mobile technology continues to grow, the industry is sure to play an even more critical role in ensuring that we stay connected, informed, and entertained.

American Tower Corporation (AMT) is the largest real estate investment trust focused on owning, operating, and leasing wireless communications infrastructure. 

Imagine a silent landlord for the cell towers that keep your phone buzzing – that’s ATC in a nutshell. They own and operate a whopping 225,000 communications sites across a staggering 25 countries, making them the world’s biggest independent owner of these crucial towers.

American Tower Corporation’s role in the cell tower industry is crucial, as it provides the backbone infrastructure that supports wireless communication, enabling people around the world to stay connected and access mobile services. With its strong market position, global presence, and focus on emerging technologies, ATC continues to play a significant role in shaping the future of wireless communication networks.

The stock, with a market cap of $95.5 billion, trades at 136 times trailing earnings and 44 times forward earnings. It pays an annual dividend yield of 3.33%.

Crown Castle International (CCI) stands tall as a Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) in the realm of wireless infrastructure, boasting a crown jewel portfolio of over 40,000 cell towers, 115,000 small cell nodes, and an impressive 85,000 route miles of fiber – blanketing major US markets. From a strictly investment perspective, let’s delve into the kingdom of CCI and assess its potential for your portfolio.

A Moated Stronghold: Crown Castle’s moat lies in its dominant market position. As the largest tower operator in the US, they wield significant bargaining power with mobile network operators (MNOs) like Verizon, AT&T, and T-Mobile. These MNOs are constantly vying for space on CCI’s towers to cater to the insatiable demand for mobile data, leading to stable and predictable long-term lease agreements for Crown Castle. This translates to consistent rental income for investors, a cornerstone of REIT appeal.

Golden Growth Prospects: The ascent of 5G paints a golden picture for CCI’s future. This next-generation wireless technology requires a denser network of smaller cell installations – an arena where Crown Castle is rapidly expanding. Their strategic acquisitions of fiber assets and small cell providers position them to capitalize on this multi-billion dollar opportunity, potentially fueling dividend growth for investors in the years to come.

The stock, which has a market cap of $47.1 billion, has a trailing price to earnings ratio of 30 and a forward P/E of 31. The company pays a generous yield of 5.8%.

There are a few other smaller players in the cell tower arena, such as SBA Communications (SBAC), with a market cap of $25 billion.

However, if you want diversification, you might want to consider a cell tower ETF.

Pacer Benchmark Data & Infrastructure Real Estate SCTR ETF (SRVR) yields 3.68%.

Defiance 5G Next Gen Connectivity ETF (FIVG) has a yield of 1.4%.

Just remember, the dominant position, predictable income, and growth potential in the 5G era offer a compelling proposition. However, navigating the regulatory landscape and the ever-evolving telecom market requires a keen eye and a well-balanced portfolio.

Disclosure: Author didn’t own any of the above at the time the article was written.


by Fred Fuld III

I am surprised that there isn’t a law about this. There is a company that provides a vote exchange where you can buy or sell votes.

It is for shareholders of publicly traded companies. The company is called Shareholder Vote Exchange.

The service allows shareholders to sell the rights to the proxy votes of stocks in order to generate additional income.

Companies and activists are the usual buyers.

For example, if you own 1000 shares of Apple (AAPL), you could sell your voting rights for $187.44 to $9,372.00 per year, depending on various factors.

For 1000 shares of Disney (DIS), it would be $91.07 to $4,553.50.

You don’t need 1000 shares, You could sell your votes for 100 or 10 shares, or even 1 share.

For example, if you own 100 shares of Tesla (TSLA), your votes could be sold for anywhere between $22.37 to $1,118.55.

If you had 100 shares of Meta/Facebook (META), you might get $33.50 to $1,675.20 each year.

Here’s a summary of the Shareholder Vote Exchange:

What they do:

  • SVX enables shareholders to buy, sell, and trade their voting rights for upcoming company meetings on their online platform. This allows passive investors who are not interested in voting to monetize their votes, while also giving activist investors and companies a way to acquire additional voting power.

Key features:

  • Unique auction system: SVX uses a proprietary auction system designed to optimize value for both vote sellers and buyers.
  • Integration with major brokers: The platform is integrated with major brokers like Schwab and Vanguard,making it easy for shareholders to participate.
  • Regulatory compliance: SVX’s auctions comply with all applicable state and federal regulations, ensuring transparency and investor protection.

Benefits for shareholders:

  • Monetize voting rights: Shareholders can earn cash for their votes, even if they are not interested in voting themselves.
  • Increase liquidity: The SVX platform provides a market for votes, which can make it easier for shareholders to buy and sell them.
  • Participate in corporate governance: Shareholders can use the platform to express their views on important company matters, even if they cannot attend shareholder meetings in person.

Current status:

  • SVX is a relatively new company, but it has already attracted a significant amount of interest from investors and the media.
  • The company is currently in the process of expanding its operations and adding new features to its platform.

Potential impact:

  • SVX has the potential to revolutionize the way shareholder voting works. By making it easier for shareholders to buy and sell their votes, the platform could increase shareholder participation in corporate governance and make it more difficult for companies to ignore the interests of their investors.

Now with votes for political candidates, it is illegal to buy or sell a vote, according to 18 U.S. Code § 597 – Expenditures to influence voting.

But that hasn’t stopped people from trying.

Back in the year 2000, some people tried to sell their votes on eBay (EBAY).

Anyway, it will be interesting to see what happens with these shareholder votes.

Disclosure: Author is long AAPL, DIS, and EBAY, and is short TSLA.

Monthly Dividend Business Development Companies Paying Over 9%

by Fred Fuld III

A business development company (BDC) is a type of financial institution that specializes in providing financing to small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs). They do this by raising capital from investors, typically through issuing stocks or bonds, and then using that money to make loans or investments in private companies.

Here are some key things to know about BDCs:

  • Focus on SMBs: BDCs primarily focus on providing financing to SMBs that may not be able to easily access traditional bank loans or other forms of debt. This could be due to a variety of factors, such as the company’s size, stage of development, or credit history.
  • Debt and equity investments: BDCs can make both debt and equity investments in companies. Debt investments typically involve providing a loan to the company, while equity investments involve buying a ownership stake in the company.
  • High yields: BDCs are known for offering high dividend yields to their investors. This is because they are required to distribute 90% of their taxable income to shareholders each year. However, it is important to note that BDC investments are also considered relatively risky.
  • Publicly traded: Many BDCs are publicly traded companies, which means that their shares can be bought and sold on stock exchanges. This makes them more accessible to a wider range of investors than private equity funds or venture capital firms.

BDCs play an important role in the economy by providing financing to growing businesses that may not be able to obtain it from traditional lenders. This can help to create jobs and boost economic growth.

The following BDCs pay dividend yields of more than 9% and pay their dividends monthly:

Horizon Technology Finance (HRZN), which has a yield of 9.71%.

Horizon Technology Finance Corporation, established in 2003 and headquartered in Farmington, Connecticut, is a specialty finance company with a focus on providing capital and financing solutions to venture capital and private equity-backed companies. The industries targeted by Horizon Technology Finance include technology, life sciences, healthcare information and services, and sustainability.

The company’s core services revolve around venture debt financing, offering loans to support the growth and development of technology and life sciences companies. In addition to debt financing, Horizon Technology Finance may engage in equity investments, participating alongside its debt offerings. The company actively manages a portfolio of investments in various stages, ranging from early-stage to expansion-stage and late-stage companies.

Pennant Park Floating Rate Capital (PFLT) yields 9.75%.

PennantPark Floating Rate Capital Ltd. is a specialty finance company that operates as a closed-end, non-diversified investment company. It is publicly traded and focuses on providing customized financing solutions primarily to middle-market companies. The company’s investment strategy centers around investing in floating rate loans and other investments in the form of senior secured loans, mezzanine debt, and equity investments.

Headquartered in New York, PennantPark Floating Rate Capital seeks to generate current income while preserving capital through its investment activities. As of my last knowledge update in January 2022, the company primarily targets companies operating in various industries, including healthcare, industrial manufacturing, automotive, technology, energy, and other sectors.

PennantPark Floating Rate Capital’s portfolio is diversified across multiple industries and consists of investments in debt and equity securities. The focus on floating rate loans provides the company with the potential for income generation in a rising interest rate environment.

The company is managed by PennantPark Investment Advisers, LLC, a registered investment adviser with expertise in credit and private equity markets. The management team is responsible for implementing the company’s investment strategy and making decisions aimed at optimizing returns for shareholders.

Prospect Capital (PSEC) pays an extremely high yield of 11.63%.

Prospect Capital Corporation is a business development company (BDC) that operates as a closed-end investment company. Headquartered in New York City, the company specializes in providing financing solutions to middle-market companies across various industries. As a BDC, Prospect Capital is focused on supporting the growth and expansion of its portfolio companies through a range of financial instruments.

The investment strategy of Prospect Capital involves deploying capital in a diversified manner, including senior and subordinated debt, as well as equity investments. The company typically targets companies with strong management teams and growth potential, often in need of capital for acquisitions, recapitalizations, or other corporate purposes.

Prospect Capital’s investment portfolio spans a wide array of industries, including but not limited to energy, manufacturing, healthcare, technology, and consumer services. The goal is to build a diversified portfolio that mitigates risk while generating income and potential capital appreciation for shareholders.

Disclosure: Author didn’t own any of the above at the time the article was written.

Is It Possible to Invest in Flying Car Companies?

by Fred Fuld III

Many years ago, I bought stock in a Davis, California based flying car company called Moller International Inc. (MLER), which was the only publicly traded company that I knew of at that time that was in the flying car business.

I even went to one of their annual meetings back then, where they provided a free lunch, but sold copies of their “annual report“, pictures of their flying cars, and almond butter.

If you want to see one of them fly, you can check out the following video.

You will notice in the video that there is a crane with a tether attached to the M400X flying vehicle. It actually does fly; it’s not the tether that’s holding it up, and you look closely, you will see that the tether is slack, not tight.

Founded in 1983 by Dr. Paul Moller, a visionary engineer with a background in engines and Wankel technology, the company has been dedicating itself to this ambitious goal.

Early days and technological advancements:

  • Spin-off: Moller International emerged from Moller Corporation, continuing their work on VTOL aircraft.
  • Key technologies: The company focused on integrating crucial elements like electronic control systems, efficient ducted fan designs, thrust vectoring, and stable airframes.
  • Rotapower engine: A significant achievement was the Rotapower, a Wankel rotary engine that became a spin-off company, Freedom Motors.

Challenges and milestones:

  • Development time: Despite extensive testing and prototype advancements, the M400 Skycar, the flagship personal VTOL, faced a long development process fueled by fundraising and regulatory hurdles.
  • Publicity and controversy: Moller International attracted both attention and critiques, some skeptical of the Skycar’s feasibility and claims. In 2000, they settled a case with the SEC regarding promotional statements without admitting wrongdoing.
  • Progress and partnerships: Despite challenges, Moller International secured various contracts with government agencies and aerospace companies, demonstrating the potential of their technologies.

Unfortunately, the company hasn’t made any SEC filings since 2015, the stock symbol is no longer active on Yahoo!Finance or OTCMarkets, and several shareholders posted on Facebook that TD Ameritrade has removed the stock from their accounts with a notice that says: REMOVAL OF WORTHLESS SECURITIES (608689105).

Even the company website shows “Invalid symbol” for MLER.

So, you may be wondering, are there any other publicly traded flying car sites?

The term “flying car” can still be ambiguous, as many companies are developing different types of VTOL (vertical take-off and landing) vehicles with varying capabilities and target markets. However, several publicly traded companies are involved in this space, though most focus on air taxi services rather than personal flying cars.

Here are some notable examples:

Pure-play eVTOL companies:

  • Joby Aviation (JOBY): Developing an electric VTOL aircraft for air taxi services, with strong government and investor backing. $4.2 billion market cap.
  • Archer Aviation (ACHR): Aims to launch flying taxi services in Los Angeles and Miami, known for their innovative “Maker” design. $1.7 billion market cap.
  • EHang Holdings (EH): A Chinese leader in the eVTOL market, with passenger and cargo drones already in commercial use. $918 million market cap.
  • Eve Urban Air Mobility Solutions (EVEX): A subsidiary of Embraer (ERJ), focusing on the Brazilian air taxi market with its eVTOL model. $1.9 billion market cap.

Traditional automakers exploring eVTOL:

  • XPeng (XPEV): A Chinese electric car manufacturer, investing in flying car technology through its affiliate HT Aero. $12.7 billion market cap.
  • Geely Automobile Holdings (GELYY): Another major Chinese automaker, partnering with Terrafugia to develop eVTOL vehicles. $10.8 billion market cap.
  • Toyota Motor Corporation (TM): Collaborating with Joby Aviation on eVTOL development and infrastructure. $252 billion market cap.

Keep in mind:

  • Many of these companies are still in pre-revenue stages, focusing on development and certification.
  • Investing in them involves high risk and volatility, as the future of the eVTOL market remains uncertain.
  • Other private eVTOL companies, like Volocopter and Lilium, may also go public in the future.

It will be interesting to see if any of these stocks come high flyers.

Disclosure: Author owns MLER and TM. No recommendations are expressed or implied. Some of the mentioned stocks have low market caps, and should be considered speculative.

Fannie Mae List of Fake Companies Providing Fake Employment Verification: Why are these all in California?

Fannie Mae, the Federal National Mortgage Association, has a Mortgage Fraud Program that alerts the industry about frauds and potential frauds.

The organization has come up with a list of over 60 apparently fictitious companies that have provided fake employment verification using fake pay stubs.

Borrowers who are trying to get a mortgage to buy a house would list these companies as their employer and utilize bogus paperwork, such as W-2 Forms and paycheck stubs to prove that they have enough income to qualify for the loan

What I don’t understand is why are all these fake companies based in California?

As a matter of fact, Fannie Mae lists as one of the red flags for potential fraud as:
“California (geographic common denominator)”