The Money Plot: A History of Currency’s Power to Enchant, Control, and Manipulate

by Fred Fuld III

As a financial historian, the book, The Money Plot: A History of Currency’s Power to Enchant, Control, and Manipulate by Frederick Kaufman, is right up my alley. This is an engrossing treatise on the history of money, but not just the facts about money, but the psychology behind it.

The author covers the very beginning of currency with ostrich eggs, then the cowrie shells which were the world’s first global reserve currency, all the way up to cryptocurrency. Have you heard of the CannabisCoin crypto for marijuana or Dentcoin crypto for dentists?

Chapter 2, called The Trophy Wife, contains the somewhat disturbing yet extremely fascinating details about women as money. Kaufman even mentions that females were advertised for sale on Instagram as recently as last year.

There is a lot of history about investments and the stock market, especially in Chapter 10, The End of Money.

If you have any interest in money at all, and you are looking for a great read during the holidays or even a nice gift, I highly recommend  The Money Plot.




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Top Tax Selling Stocks Selling Below Cash per Share

by Fred Fuld III

A tax selling stock is a stock that is currently selling for a low price but was trading at much higher levels earlier in the year.

What is Tax Harvesting?

As the year-end approaches, many investors use the strategy called tax harvesting , which is selling stocks the have tanked to offset any gains that may have been established sometime during the year.

With strong selling, the price of stocks that have had big drops tends to fall far more than what would normally take place during the rest of the year.

So traders and investors are on the lookout for stocks that are heavily hit, hoping for a little (or big) bounce in January, once the tax selling is over.

What is Cash per Share?

But if you can find a stock that is selling below cash per share, you have a double bonus. The cash per share is the amount of cash the company has divided by the number of shares.

So if you are looking for these types of stocks, see below for a selection of some that have dropped by over 50% year-to-date. Most have low market capitalizations so they should be considered speculative. However, all of these stocks are selling below cash per share.

What is the Price to Book Ratio?

In addition, they all have a price to book ratio of less than one. The Price toBook ratio, in simple terms, is what each share would be worth if the company went out of business today and all assets sold off. The lower the ratio, the better. And if the number is less than one, it means that each share is worth more than the assets.

Here is the list. Dropped more than 50% this year, selling below cash per share, low priced to book ratio, and a price to sales ratio of less than one. All are United States based companies.

List of Tax Selling Stocks

Acorda Therapeutics, Inc. ACOR
Peabody Energy Corporation BTU
Cumulus Media Inc. CMLS
Express, Inc. EXPR
Francesca’s Holdings Corporation FRAN
Hallmark Financial Services, Inc. HALL
KLX Energy Services Holdings, Inc. KLXE
Nine Energy Service, Inc. NINE
PBF Energy Inc. PBF
Steel Connect, Inc. STCN
United Insurance Holdings Corp. UIHC

Just remember, these stocks may be trading at a very low price for a reason. Happy investing.

How to Invest in Tax Liens

by Fred Fuld III

You may have heard about or read about tax liens in the past, especially how you can sometimes get high interest rates or even a house out of your investment. But do you really know how a tax lien works?

I have actually gone through the process of looking at tax liens for sale, researching them, buying them, and getting a return on my money.

What Are Tax Liens?

Here are some basics. Tax liens are county government liens against real estate where the property tax is past due. When the property owner fails to pay the taxes that are due, a tax lien certificate is issued.

When you get the tax lien certificate, don’t expect anything fancy, like scrollwork borders and a vintage font.

The following is an example of what I received from Maricopa County in Arizona. (Private information has been greyed out.) It almost looks like it was printed with a dot matrix printer.

Tax Lien Certificate

Investors can buy the tax lien certificates through county auctions and can earn outrageously high interest rates of potentially 16%, 18%, 24%, or possibly 36% on their tax liens. Bidding can be done all online.

The property owners are required to pay the back taxes plus the interest or they can lose their property to the tax lien owner.

What States Offer Tax Liens?

The states that offer tax liens are as follows:

  • Alabama
  • Arizona
  • Arkansas
  • Colorado
  • Florida
  • Illinois
  • Indiana
  • Iowa
  • Kentucky
  • Maryland
  • Mississippi
  • Missouri
  • Montana
  • Nebraska
  • New Jersey
  • New York
  • North Dakota
  • Ohio
  • Oklahoma
  • Oregon
  • South Carolina
  • South Dakota
  • Vermont
  • West Virginia
  • Wyoming.
  • District of Columbia

Sorry, Californians. However, the good news is, you don’t have to live in a tax lien state in order to buy a tax lien in that particular state. You don’t even have to be a United States citizen or resident.

My Tax Lien Experience

So what was my story? I went to the county website of a couple of counties that had tax lien auctions coming up and start bidding.

It was a little more difficult and time-consuming than that, but it worked. The fist thing I did, after discovering that Maricopa County in Arizona was having an auction, was that I began looking though the Tax Lien section of the  Maricopa County Treasurer’s Office website.

I then accessed the list of all the tax liens of properties being auctioned off, and started going through it. After being overwhelmed with numerous parcels, I decided to narrow it down, and chose the Scottsdale area. I figured that I couldn’t go wrong in a high income section of the city.

So I went through every property in Scottsdale, houses, condos, lots, and raw land. It took a few hours but I did my searching while sitting in front of the TV.

I looked up literally every one of the properties on Google Maps. Some of the lots turned out to be strange shapes, like five feet wide by a hundred feet long. Some of the houses had liens that were way above my budget.

Then I came across a good one. It was a lot in an expensive neighborhood surrounded by million dollar homes, and the tax lien fit my budget of ten thousand dollars maximum. Since it was in a nice development, I figured that it couldn’t be located on top of a toxic waste dump.

On Google Maps in Satellite View, I noticed that the ground had been graded and a space for a swimming pool had been dug, but no structure or even a foundation on the property.

But then I discovered something  else.  I found a map on the Maricopa web site (hard to find and navigate to at the time) which also had a satellite view. When I checked on that map, it showed that the lot had a house on it! Apparently, the Google Maps picture was a bit out of date.

Well, that was a nice bonus. I registered to bid right away and funded my account.

Once all that was completed, I could bid. Now the way the bidding works may seem strange, but when you think about it, it makes sense.

Here is the bidding process. You bid on what the lowest interest rate is that you are willing to accept on your tax lien. The bidder who bids the lowest interest rate wins. At the time (this was several years ago), the bidding could range from 18% to 4% in one percent intervals, for this particular county. The bidding range has since changed; it’s now 16% down to 0%, the last time I checked.

It was time for me to bid, with a couple weeks to go. I placed a bid of 6%, figuring that would be a nice return if I won.

Then two days before the auction close, I thought I better lower the bid to 5% as it would give me a better chance of winning, plus 5% is still a great return.

One day before the close of the auction, I changed my mind one more time. I wanted that property and I wanted it badly.

So I changed it to 4%, the lowest bid  level available at the time. I really didn’t care by then how much or how little the interest rate was, I just wanted to get the tax lien and hope that it never got paid off, so I could take over ownership of the house.

The next day, the auction closed. According to the web site, there were two bidders at 4%, with me being one of them. When there is a tie, a drawing takes place.  I’m not sure how the drawing takes place but I won!

It was my lucky day. A few days later, I received the tax lien certificate in the mail. It looked nothing like any certificate I had ever seen. (See above.)

Now you’re probably wondering. Did I get a million dollar mansion for a few thousand dollars?

As it turned out, I ended up owning the lien for a little over a month, but earning three months worth of interest. I’m not going to complain. I think it had something to do with the tax lien holding period overlapping three months.

The tax lien investment was practically risk-less. It was backed by the value of the property, which was substantial. Not to bad a return for such a short term holding in a very low interest rate environment.

Where to Find More Info about Tax Liens

There are plenty of these tax lien auctions available. There are also plenty of books available about tax liens.

If you are interested in learning more about tax liens, check out some of these books:

Zero Risk Real Estate: Creating Wealth Through Tax Liens and Tax Deeds

Tax Lien$

Profit by Investing in Real Estate Tax Liens: Earn Safe, Secured, and Fixed Returns Every Time

The Complete Guide to Investing in Real Estate Tax Liens & Deeds: How to Earn High Rates of Return

The 16 % Solution, Revised Edition: How to Get High Interest Rates in a Low-Interest World with Tax Lien Certificates

Where are the Upcoming Tax Liens?

If you are looking for the web sites of the counties, parishes, and cities holding tax lien sales, here is a random sample of some of them with links:

Maricopa County, Arizona

Yuma County, Arizona

Broward County, Florida

Sarasota County, Florida

Sarasota, Florida

Charleston County, South Carolina

Gwinnett County, Georgia

Fulton County, Georgia

Baldwin County, Alabama

Lake County, Indiana;jsessionid=A16CFFBF59CB0D86B6F925D0A7CECBD4

Polk County, Iowa

Jefferson County, Kentucky

District of Columbia

Baltimore, Maryland

Nassau County, New York

Happy Investing!!!




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Money Games: The Inside Story of How American Dealmakers Saved Korea’s Most Iconic Bank

by Fred Fuld III

The book, Money Games: The Inside Story of How American Dealmakers Saved Korea’s Most Iconic Bank, is an engaging look at how an American private equity firm, took over and turned around South Korea’s largest bank.

The author, Weijian Shan, takes you through the trials and tribulations of getting the deal don after more than a year of negotiations. My favorite chapter was Chapter 12 Sign It or Forget It.

The book includes photographs and even a few comics. Also included is A Primer on Commercial Banking, which is in the Appendix.

The author has a way of making private equity sound fascinating. If you want an interesting business-related read, I recommend  Money Games.



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Cannabis Legalized in Five More States, Marijuana Stocks Take Off

by Fred Fuld III

In case you missed some of the propositions in the latest election, five more states have just followed the lead of Colorado, California, and many other states. The legalization of cannabis propositions have all passed. The five states are as follows:

South Dakota – Approved the medicinal use and recreational use of marijuana.

Mississippi – Approved the medical use of marijuana.

Montana – Approved the recreational use of marijuana.

Arizona – Approved the recreational use of marijuana.

New Jersey – Approved the recreational use of marijuana.

So what has this done for the cannabis stocks? It took investors a few days to process (and a few days for most of the votes to come in), but most of the marijuana stocks skyrocketed on Friday.

Here are just a few that got high:

  • Aurora Cannabis (ACB) +56.1%
  • Akerna (KERN)  +32.6%
  • HEXO (HEXO) +23.5%
  • Tilray, Inc. (TLRY) +23.2%
  • Green Organic Dutchman Holdings (TGODF) +20.8%
  • WeedMD Inc. (WDDMF) +19.8%
  • Flower One Holdings Inc. (FLOOF) +18.9%
  • Cronos Group Inc. (CRON) +16.2%
  • Sundial Growers Inc. (SNDL) +13.6%

It will be interesting to see which ones maintain their strength. Some may get higher and higher, others may go up in smoke.

Disclosure: Author didn’t own any of the above at the time the article was written.



Who Owns the Treasury Securities that Make Up the National Debt?

If you ever wondered who owns the U.S. Treasury bonds, notes and bills that are loans to the United States Government, here is a list with a rough estimate of the amounts that the U.S. owes.

  • US Investors $6,890 billion
  • US Government $5,730 billion
  • Federal Reserve $2,380 billion
  • Japan $1,261 billion
  • China $1074 billion
  • United Kingdom $446 billion
  • Ireland $330 billion
  • Luxembourg $267 billion
  • Hong Kong $266 billion
  • Brazil $264 billion

The rest includes many other countries, such as Switzerland, Cayman Islands, Belgium, India, France, Saudi Arabia, etc.

Stocks Going Ex Dividend in November 2020

The following is a short list of some of the many stocks going ex dividend during the next month.

Many traders and investors use the stock trading technique called ‘Buying Dividends,’ also commonly referred to as ‘Dividend Capture.’ This is the strategy of buying stocks before the ex dividend date and selling the stock shortly after the ex date at about the same price, yet still being entitled to the dividend.


This technique generally works in bull markets and flat or choppy markets, but you need to avoid the strategy during bear markets. In order to be entitled to the dividend, you have to buy the stock before the ex-dividend date, and you can’t sell the stock until after the ex date.

The actual dividend may not be paid for another few weeks. has compiled a downloadable and sortable list of the stocks going ex dividend in the near future. The list contains many dividend paying companies, lots with market caps over $500 million, and many with yields over 2%. Here are a few examples showing the stock symbol, the ex-dividend date, the periodic dividend amount.

Intel Corporation (INTC) 11/5/2020 0.33 3.00%
American Electric Power Company, Inc. (AEP) 11/9/2020 0.74 3.27%
Starbucks Corporation (SBUX) 11/10/2020 0.45 2.04%
Target Corporation (TGT) 11/17/2020 0.68 1.76%
CSX Corporation (CSX) 11/27/2020 0.26 1.34%
Coca-Cola Company (KO) 11/30/2020 0.41 3.42%

The additional ex-dividend stocks can be found HERE . (If you have been to the page before, and the latest link doesn’t show up, you may have to empty your cache.) If you like dividend stocks, you should check out some of the other high yield stock lists HERE . Most of the lists are free.

Dividend definitions:

Declaration date: the day that the company declares that there is going to be an upcoming dividend.

Ex-dividend date: the day on which if you buy the stock, you would not be entitled to that particular dividend; or the first day on which a shareholder can sell the shares and still be entitled to the dividend.

Record date: the day when you must be on the company’s books as a shareholder to receive the dividend. The ex-dividend date is normally set for stocks at two business days before the record date.

Payment date: the day on which the dividend payment is actually made, which can be as long at two months after the ex date.


Don’t forget to reconfirm the ex-dividend date with the company before implementing this technique.

Disclosure: Author did not own any of the above at the time the article was written; affiliate links.


Try the Warren Buffett-style Stock Analyzer for FREE!

Top Dividend Stocks
Top 100 Dividend Stocks, Ex-dividend Ratings, High Yield Ratings, Monthly Reports And More


Cost of Living Around the World

Have you ever thought of moving to another country? Maybe when you retire?  Or maybe you are just looking for a lower cost of living.

If so, you may want to check out the Numbeo website which shows the cost of living in detail for most countries around the world, from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe.

For example, you can look up the cost of going to a restaurant, the cost of a beer, or a bottle of water. Checking out Costa Rica, a three course meal for two costs $41.47, $2.49for a beer, and a bottle of water is $1.34.

You can also check out the cost of various types of food, transportation, sports, utilities, entertainment, childcare, clothing, rent, and salaries.

You can also see the quality of life, crime, health care, pollution, and more.

I have no connection to this site. I just came across it and thought it gives some cool information.

The Entrepreneur’s Faces: How Makers, Visionaries and Outsiders Succeed

by Fred Fuld III

The book, The Entrepreneur’s Faces: How Makers, Visionaries and Outsiders Succeed, by Jonathan Littman and Susanna Camp, is a great resource for aspiring and existing entrepreneurs.

The authors break down the phases needed for success into seven steps:

  • The Awakening
  • The Shift
  • The Place
  • The Launch
  • The Money
  • The Test
  • The Scale

There is a chapter covering each one of stages, and within each chapter, the authors give real life example of various types of entrepreneurs, and how they succeeded.

As a matter of fact you can find out what type of entrepreneurial archetype you are and what other types you need to bring on board to round out the organization, by going to a free online quiz, which can be found at the following link:

For those who are planning on starting their own business or just getting started, I suggest you check out The Entrepreneur’s Faces.



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Exclusive Interview with Ken Fisher about the Stock Market Under Trump versus Biden

by Fred Fuld III

The following informative interview was provided by Kenneth L. Fisher, founder and chairman of the money management firm Fisher Investments, who had the longest continuous running column in Forbes Magazine. He is a billionaire on the Forbes 400 list and author of numerous investment related books.

According to Investment Advisor magazine, he is one of the 30 most influential people in the investment advisory business over the last 30 years. Fisher is considered to be the largest wealth manager in the United States.

We cover a lot in this interview, including:

  • The stock market under President Donald Trump versus former Vice President Joe Biden
  • The influence of corporate tax rate on the stocks 
  • The potential of the reversal of Trump’s tax bill on Day One if Joe Biden & Kamila Harris win the election
  • The market under Republicans versus Democrats
  • Whether inflation is on the horizon
  • The petroleum industry
  • Gross Output, GDP, and the economy versus the stock market
  • Are stock ratios dead? (PE, PS, PEG)
  • And much, much more

Two Timeless Books Mentioned by Ken Fisher in the Interview

The Only Three Questions That Still Count: Investing By Knowing What Others Don’t (A great companion to the  Beat the Crowd: How You Can Out-Invest the Herd by Thinking Differently book, which I enjoyed reading.)

Wall Street Waltz

(My favorite of all his books is The Ten Roads to Riches: The Ways the Wealthy Got There (And How You Can Too!) Second Edition,  because it is so different from all the other financial publications. It basically tells you ten ways, with all the steps, to get really rich, including “marrying a billionaire.” Lot’s of insight and lots of humor. You can find more info about this book on a previous podcast: Interview with Billionaire Ken Fisher about the 10 Roads to Riches.)

The Interview

Enjoy listening to the great insights and  information that Ken Fisher provides.

To stream the interview, click:


You can also download the interview as an mp3 by right-clicking here and choosing “save as.”

Enjoy the interview and Happy Investing!

All opinions are those of Ken Fisher, and do not represent the opinions of this site or the interviewer. Neither this site, nor the interviewer, nor the interviewee are rendering tax, legal, or investment advice in this interview.

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